Le texte français suit.
The Committee to Promote Research is excited to promote the CALL/ACBD Research Grant this year.
This grant is designed to support members' research projects that need financial assistance.
With a maximum award of $5,000, this opportunity empowers law librarians to delve deeper into their research pursuits and contribute to the field.
Research Grant recipients are also invited to share their progress with the Committee and their methodologies, findings, and recommendations with the CALL/ACBD membership through a publication or presentation channel of their choice.
CALL/ACBD Research Grant applications are due on February 24, 2025.
The Research Grant Application and more information may be found on the CALL website's Scholarships & Awards page. Past recipients of the Research Grant may be found in the Research Grant Data Bank.
Questions about the Research Grant Application may be directed to Beth Galbraith or Dominique Garingan (Co-Chairs of the Committee to Promote Research).

Si vous êtes à la recherche de financement pour un projet de recherche, les demandes de bourse de recherche de l'ACBD doivent être déposées au plus tard le 24 février 2025.
Le montant maximal de la bourse est de 5 000 $. Les renseignements, le formulaire de candidature et la liste des lauréat.e.s antérieur.e.s se trouvent sur le site Web de l'association.
Toute question concernant la demande peut être adressée à Dominique Garingan ou Beth Galbraith (les coprésidentes du Comité pour promouvoir la recherche).