
Bylaws Expert

Member: Catherine Cotter, Mary-Jo Petsche (Executive Liaison)

The by-laws expert's mandate is to attend to problems of a constitutional nature within the association,
to receive input from the membership in that regard and to advise the Executive Board. To view the
association bylaws click here.  

Canadian Abridgment Editorial Advisory Board

Members:  Stephen Thiele (Chair), Yemisi Dina (Executive Liaison), Ken Fox, Susannah Tredwell, Karen Joanette, Nathalie Léonard, Michele Leblanc, Melanie Bueckert

The Canadian Abridgment Editorial Advisory Board was established through a partnership between CALL/ACBD and Carswell in 1989. The Board is composed of seven CALL/ACBD members appointed by the President, and meets twice a year with the editorial staff of the Canadian Abridgment as well as by conference call as needed (as a board). The Board is also responsible for ensuring comprehensive and timely indexing of all published secondary material in Canada in the Index to Canadian Legal Literature (ICLL), which is a cooperative effort of CALL and Carswell.

All members are encouraged to be part of the ICLL Data Collection Network by contributing records of new and recent Canadian legal publications to ensure a robust index. More information can be found in “Guidelines for the Contributors to the Index to Canadian Legal Literature (ICLL).”

If members have comments or concerns about any Abridgment components, in print or as incorporated into WestlawNext Canada, please feel free to contact any board member. We look forward to hearing from you.


Canadian Committee on Cataloguing

Members: Susan Jones, Mary-Jo Petsche (Executive Liaison)

The primary work of the Canadian Committee on Cataloguing relates to the cataloguing rules as laid out in the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd ed. (AACR2). Proposals for changes/modifications to these rules are made to the Joint Steering Committee for the Revision of AACR2 (JSC). The proposals originate from one of the constituent bodies of the JSC (the national libraries of Canada, United States, Great Britain and Australia, as well as the national library associations of these countries) and are discussed within the other constituent bodies, with recommendations being forwarded to the JSC. Since some of these rules revisions have particular relevance to cataloguers of legal materials, it is important for CALL/ACBD to be represented.


Canadian Law Library Review Editorial Board

Members: Nikki Tanner (Chair/Editor), Hannah Rosborough (Executive Liaison), Susan Barker, Kim Clarke,
Julie Lavigne, Nathalie Léonard, Erica Friesen, Kate McCandless, Erin Clupp, Sara Klein and Alexandra Kwan.

Canadian Law Library Review is the official journal of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries. It is published three times per year and is available open access on our publications page.


Committee to Promote Research

Members: Dominique Garingan  (Co-Chair), Beth Galbraith (Co-Chair), Hannah Rosborough (Executive Liaison), Helen Heerema, Michelle LaPorte, Vicky Jay Leung, Clare Asquith Finegan, Amy Kaufmann, Leslie Taylor, Dominique Garingan

The Committee to Promote Research was established to encourage and support research of individual members which is of interest to members and to the association. It advertises, receives and evaluates applications for the annual Research Grant and makes a recommendation to the Executive. It also maintains a list of Research Grant awards, a databank of research in progress and completed, and web pages of information on other research grants and research resources. The Committee frequently submits session proposals to the Annual Conference.



Communications Committee

Members: Martha Murphy (Co-Chair), Jason Wong (Executive Liaison)

The Communications Committee identifies issues that require CALL/ACBD Executive to respond to external advocacy of legal information professionals through various methods of communication. The Committee keeps abreast of concerns that would adversely affect members.  The Committee liaises with the Executive for strategic planning initiatives, advocacy with associations and interest groups.

Click here for more information. 

Conference Planning Committee (2025) 

Members: Katarina Daniels (Executive Liaison), Beth Galbraith (co-chair), Katherine Melville (co-chair), Sarah Gibbs (CPC Volunteer Coordinator), Doris Wagner (CPC Communications Coordinator), Karen Norman, Candace Turner, Kimberly Feher, Dominique Garingan, Julie Rainey, Annette Demers, Susannah Tredwell, Alex Everitt, Sarah Richmond, Michelle Terris, Brian Den Hartog-Lindsey, Joanne McKenzie-Hicks.

The Conference Planning Committee (CPC) is responsible for planning the CALL/ACBD annual conference.

Copyright Committee

Members: Doris Wagner (Co-Chair), Michelle Terriss (Co-Chair), Yemisi Dina (Executive Liaison)

The Copyright Committee was set up in response to the tabling of draft copyright amendment legislation in 1988. Its primary mandate is to present the concerns of law libraries on copyright issues to the government and parliament of Canada. It prepares briefs to represent the views of the Association, presents these to the government and circulates them as widely as appropriate. The committee has provided input to advisory bodies and liaises with other organizations in order to promote the views of the Association and to share information.

Click here for more information. 



Credentials Committee 

Members: Laura Romero (National Office), Mary-Jo Petsche (Executive Liaison)

The Credentials Committee is responsible for ensuring that we have a quorum of the membership present
at the AGM. 
They also count any votes if there is any motion which is not carried unanimously by the members.
The committee is composed of two members in attendance at the conference, appointed prior to the
commencement of the AGM. 

Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization Committee

Diversity Survey Questionnaire

Members: Vicki Jay Leung (Co-Chair), Andrea Black (Co-Chair), Alexia Loumankis (Executive Liaison), Alan Kilpatrick, Brenda Blundon, Connie Crosby, Danielle Chiang, Dominique Garingan, Tim Knight, Jacob Ericson, Jessie Lampreau, Katarina Daniels, Kim Nayyer, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Marcelo Rodriguez Escribano, Mary-Jo Petsche, Michel-Adrien Sheppard, Nadine Hoffman, Sarah Miller, Shaunna Mireau, Yemisi Dina, Lisa Levesque, Kim Clarke.

The mandate of the DIDC is to further the Resolution 2018/1. The means to achieve this are threefold:

  • To foster awareness and acumen in respect of issues of diversity, inclusion, and decolonization within all sectors of the law librarianship and related professions;
  • To foster diversity, inclusion, and decolonization, along with representation in our profession and in our work with and ties to related professions; and
  • To further diversity, inclusion, and decolonization, along with representation and participation in CALL/ACBD activities and groups, including educational programming, partnerships, member development, and recruitment to the law librarianship profession.

To achieve its mandate, the DIDC will direct its work toward the direction of Resolution 2018/1 by undertaking the following activities:

  • Produce diversity, inclusion, and decolonization guiding principles for CALL/ACBD committees and SIGs
  • Produce diversity, inclusion, and decolonization guiding principles for reference for conference programming Pathways
  • Provide diversity, inclusion, and decolonization advice and consultation for programming and speakers
  • Host a symposium, forum, or like event at the annual meeting and conference
  • Facilitate related conversations and initiatives within and among groups
  • Advise or offer consultation to the President or Executive on media engagement related to diversity, inclusion, or decolonization matters
  • Conduct or sponsor and publish research into issues of diversity, inclusion, and decolonization in the law librarianship profession and the work of law libraries
  • Produce related program proposals for webinars and conferences
  • Liaise with vendors or other potential sponsors for financial support of some of these initiatives, as applicable

Click here for more information. 




Elections Committee

Members: Anne Marie Melvie, Sooin Kim, Jason Wong  (Executive Liaison)

The Elections Committee assists with identifying candidates to stand for election for the CALL/ACBD Board of Directors.  

KF Modified Editor

Members: Susan Jones, Hannah Rosborough (Executive Liaison)

The KF Modified editor updates KF Classification Modified for Use in Canadian and Common Law Libraries: KF Modified. KF Modified is published by, and available for purchase from, CALL/ACBD. For information about this publication, please contact



LIPA representative

 Members: Mary-Jo Petsche


Members Open Forum Chair

Member: Nathalie Leonard 

Acts as a moderator at the annual members open forum that takes place at the CALL/ACBD Conference.

Membership Development Committee

Members: Beth Galbraith (co-chair), Katherine Melville (co-chair), Alexia Loumankis (Executive Liaison), Martha Murphy, Tanya Davis, Kim Clarke, Michel-Adrien Sheppard, James Bachmann, Ana Rogers-Butterworth, Laura Dobbie.

The purpose of the Membership Development Committee is to develop a dynamic and effective membership. This is achieved through activities related to the recruitment, retention and education of members on the value of CALL/ACBD:
  • Recruit new members to the profession through outreach activities
  • Follow up on lapsed memberships
  • Coordinate the mentoring program to develop leadership skills
  • Welcome and orient new members to the benefits of the organization
  • Host first time attendees and mentoring meet and greet at the Annual Conference
  • Foster a spirit of volunteerism to support the committee and special interest groups' initiatives
  • Ensure regular review of membership brochures and other promotional materials
The Membership Development Committee coordinates with the advocacy committee to ensure collaborative efforts to create a positive association image.



Nominations Committee 

Members: Yemisi Dina, Mary-Jo Petsche (Executive Liason), Agathe Bujold, Brenda Lauritzen, Alicia Loo.

The committee assists with the nomination process for the CALL/ACBD election.  

Procedural Advisor

Members: Jason Wong, Mary-Jo Petsche (Executive Liason)

The Procedural Advisor provides counsel on matters pertaining to the conduct of meetings and other aspects of
procedure at the Annual General Meeting. 

Professional Development Committee

Members: Ciara Ward (Co-Chair), Kim Clarke (Co-Chair), Jason Wong (Executive Liaison), Sooin Kim.

The Professional Development Committee (PDC) is responsible for ascertaining the needs the continuing professional development needs of CALL/ACBD members across Canada. The PDC assists with oversight over continuing education programs and surveys the membership to identify knowledge and skills necessary for professional excellence. The PDC also investigates possibilities for continuing education in the various geographic regions across Canada. 

Click here for more information. 


Professional Development Documents:

Resolutions Committee 

Members: Alicia Loo, Mary-Jo Petsche (Executive Liason)

The Resolutions Committee consists of two members, one who is French speaking. The committee is responsible
for receiving and reviewing all resolutions that are presented by members of the Executive Board, in advance
of the Annual General Meeting. Resolutions are generally accepted until 5:00 PM on the evening before the
second part of the AGM. 

Scholarships & Awards Committee

Members: Jennifer Walker (Chair), Alexia Loumankis (Executive Liaison), George Hawtin, Jenny Thornhill, Susannah Tredwell, Allison Harrison

To perform activities related to CALL/ACBD’s operation and granting of the following scholarships and awards: 
  • Denis Marshall Memorial Award for Excellence in Law Librarianship 
  • Diana M. Priestly Memorial Scholarship
  • CALL Education Reserve Fund Grant 
  • James D. Lang Memorial Scholarship 
  • Janine Miller Fellowship 
  • The Gisèle Laprise Prize
  • The Michael Silverstein Prize
  • Nancy McCormack Emerging Leader Award; and

  • any additional awards at the discretion of the CALL/ACBD Executive

Click here for more information. 


Social Media Coordinator

Members: Jason Wong (Executive Liason)

The CALL/ACBD President shall appoint a Social Media Coordinator (SMC) who is a member of CALL/ACBD who is prepared to take on the responsibility in a volunteer capacity. The Board Member at Large with the Publications portfolio is the Board liaison for this position.

The work of the SMC will be closely related to by the communications work of the National Office.

Click here for more information. 

Vendor Liaison Committee

Members:  Annette Demers (Co-Chair), Jenny Thornhill (co-chair), Yemisi Dina (Executive Liaison), Jacob Ericson, Kathryn Kingston, Bryony Livingston, Dominque Garingan, Sandy Welsh, Amy Kaufman, Claire Asquith Finegan, Marnie Bailey, Carolyn Carpan, Carolyn Petrie, Christina-Anne Boyle, Kathy Barry, Danielle Brosseau, Ken Cummings, Katarina Daniels, Allyssa McFadyen, Geeta Thachil, Katherine HyrczaAnnamarie Bergen, Brenda Blundon, Josh Chan, Katarina Daniels, Allison Harrison, Donata Krakowski-White, David Mucz, Cheryl Murphy, Katy O'Shaughnessy.

The Vendor Liaison Committee exists to act as liaison between the members of the Association and vendors. Committee members monitor trends  and gather input from the membership to co-ordinate efforts to advocate, recommend and propose solutions to our common issues that relate to vendor relationships and products.

Log-in for more information (members only). 

  • AI Standards Working Group

The CALL/ACBD AI Standards Working Group (WG) is responsible for developing standards pertaining to the use of artificial intelligence in legal technologies, including both commercial and non-commercial databases. The databases anticipated to be covered by such standards would be those that use legal information sources (statutes, regulations, cases, commentary, and other sources) as their primary data source.


Best Practices:

Website Editorial Board

Members: Michel-Adrien Sheppard, JAson Wong (Executive Liaison)

The Website Editorial Board oversees the direction, policies and guidelines for the website, gives the Website Administrator direction, and reports to the Executive Board through the Executive liaison.

The Editorial Board determines policy and guidelines relating to content and design of the website, working within the approved budget. Formal approval for editorial policy rests with the Executive Board.


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