Law Librarians Institute

The Law Librarians’ Institute is an opportunity for legal information professionals of any level of expertise to learn and / or refresh their legal research skills. Designed to meet the Competencies of a Legal Researcher in Canada, this problem-based course provides basic concepts pertinent to the Canadian legal system and includes plenty of detail, depth and opportunities to practice legal research. In particular, the course focuses on developing research skills related to federal legislation, court and tribunal decisions, and secondary sources, in addition to specialised topics such as Indigenous law, Quebec civil law, foreign and international law, and legal technology. 

The Law Librarians’ Institute consists of two distinct components: a virtual learning program and an in-person workshop. The virtual program features self-paced video lessons, guided exercises, and live virtual discussions, while the in-person workshop is a problem-based wrap-up session that takes place prior to the annual CALL Conference. Participants who complete all core virtual modules as well as the in-person session within two calendar years will receive a letter of completion from CALL/ACBD. All core modules will be offered twice per year. 

The problem for the in-person workshop will change annually, and will reflect where possible the unique legal problems of the province in which the conference is taking place. The theme this year is Indigenous law, and we will be integrating elements of Environmental law, Mining law, Municipal law, Tort law, Constitutional law, and Contract law into the problem. Attendees will not be learning substantive law – but rather will be learning how to decipher research problems and decide on the best and/or correct ways to address them. 

No legal background is required for participating in LII. It is recommended that participants complete as many of the core research topics as possible before attending the in-person session.

Click here to consult the full course syllabus.

Registration Fees for virtual courses:

CALL/ACBD Member = Free - Register Here

Non-Member* = $50.00 + applicable taxes - Register Here

Non-Member Student Rate = $15.00 + applicable taxes - Register Here

Please note: Webinars are non-refundable after purchase. 

Registration Fees for in-person course:

Registration will close 7 days prior to each course. Materials relating to the course will be sent out after registration closes.

Questions about LII in general can be directed to Katarina Daniels.

Questions about the syllabus and course-related work can be directed to Annette Demers.

*CALL members benefit from free registration to the virtual LII courses. Regular membership is just $247 per year, with special pricing for retired, student, and unwaged members. To become a CALL member, click here.

2025 Course Schedule:

March 3

Introduction to the Canadian Legal System, legal terms and concepts (with virtual meet up)

March 10 Federal Legislative Research and Annual Statutes
March 17
Federal Consolidated Statutes and amendments
March 24
Federal Regulations
March 31
The Operation of Time in Legal Matters (with virtual meet up summarizing federal research)
April 7

Judicial Decisions Part One – introduction, case law citation styles, surveying sources for judicial decisions

April 14 Judicial Decisions Part Two - research process for case law, conducting efficient searches
April 21
Judicial Decisions Part Three – understanding precedential value of case law, how to note up, update and locate the history of a case, citing case history (with virtual meet up summarizing case law)
April 28 Secondary Sources Part One
May 5 Secondary Sources Part Two (with virtual meet up summarizing secondary sources)
May 24 
Pre-Conference Workshop (in person): Indigenous Law workshop, LLI in-person exercises (to be finalized).


(Remaining sessions to be confirmed)

Please send comments or questions to - © 1998-2018 Canadian Association of Law Libraries
1 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 705, Toronto, ON     M4P 3A1   647-346-8723
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