Many CALL members may have heard of Trusted Intermediary-Legal Information Network (TI-LI Network).
In 2019, the Saskatchewan Access to Legal Information Project (SALI) joined forces with the BC LawMatters Program and the National Self Represented Litigants Project’s Family Law in the Library Project to establish the Network to encourage cooperation between legal information providers in order to enhance access to justice.
Yesterday, the blog of the Vancouver Association of Law Libraries published an invitation calling on law librarians to join the Network that has more than 80 contributors across Canada:
"The organizers recognize that user-centred design, interdisciplinary approaches, and networks are needed to address urgent, complex access to justice problems, especially during these uncertain times. The TI-LI Network thus connects legal information providers from across Canada to exchange information and maximize efficiency by encouraging collaboration and adapting of resources and materials related to legal information provision by trusted intermediaries."
"The justice landscape is changing in response to the current crisis with COVID-19 and TI-LI Network member organizations are creating new responses that are shared with trusted intermediaries to address current needs that have arose as a result of COVID-19."
The next meeting will be held on October 27th. The blog post contains contact information.
There were a number of presentations about the Network at the 2019 annual CALL conference: