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Diversity Shares: Listen to Learn - Leader Profile of Upcoming CALL President Kim Nayyer in AALL Publication

04 Apr 2021 3:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

2021-2022 CALL President Kim Nayyer was the subject of a recent leader profile in On Firmer Ground, the blog of the Private Law Librarians (PLLIP) Special Interest Section of the American Association of Law Libraries.

She was one of 3 panel members on the topic of "Diversity Shares: Listen to Learn" that took place during a PLLIP Diversity Summit.


Name one thing that you or your team is doing this year to meet the challenges ahead.

The past year has presented some challenges that are new and others that are long-standing but more widely evident or understood. One that I feel most strongly about is the work we are doing to both interrogate and work to dismantle structural exclusion and inequalities—racial, socioeconomic, ability, for example. Structural exclusion and inequalities exist in so many facets of life, domestically and globally too, and we can focus our efforts on those closest to our home and on which our own work centers. Our team is creating learning resources to assist with learning about how structural racism and other forms of exclusion in the legal and justice systems affect or skew the legal information we research and apply in practice. We are developing our collections in ways that amplify voices and perspectives that have not traditionally been centered in legal information, even if substantively valuable. We are assisting faculty in growing their curricular resources in ways that can help them adapt their teaching. We are working to improve communication internally to ensure all members of our workplace recognize their voices matter and their work matters.

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