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Speed Networking Event at the 2023 CALL Conference

04 Apr 2023 4:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The CALL New-Professionals Special Interest Group (NP-SIG) is hosting a Speed Networking event at the 2023 CALL Conference in Hamilton on May 28 from 4:00-5:00pm. 

Do you like networking in a fun environment? Are you interested in connecting with legal professionals across a variety of disciplines? Are you a newbie with lots of questions, or a veteran who wants to broaden your knowledge?

Then, this session is for you!

Our goal is to encourage connections and dialogue between experienced Legal Information Professionals and students, graduates, and new professionals; however, we welcome anyone who would like to speed network to join us. 

Attendees will rotate through tables at regular intervals, with the chance to learn from our Coaches. We’ll provide some icebreaker questions to get discussions started. 

Our Legal Information coaches will share things like what a workday looks like for them, what research is interesting and ongoing, or any projects they are working on. 

If you are a Legal Professional interested in being a Coach please sign up by Wednesday April 19th, 2023 by filling out this form.  

Keep your eyes peeled for instructions on how to register as a Speed Networking attendee coming the end of April/ beginning of May.  

If you have any question about the event please contact NP-SIG co-chair Amanda Irvine at amanda.irvine@lawsociety.sk.ca

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