Kate Greene Stanhope, Manager, Information Services | McInnes Cooper
Chair, Conference Planning Committee, Halifax 2018

Tell us a little about your educational background and how you entered the legal information industry.
I have an LLB from Dalhousie Law School and an MLIS from Dalhousie School of Information Management. I pursued a career that combined the skills and knowledge I had acquired. Law librarianship and legal information management were a natural fit
How has being involved in CALL helped you professionally (e.g. scholarships & grants, continuing education, networking)?
I was fortunate to receive the Diana M Priestly scholarship while attending library school, and attended my first CALL conference in Victoria to collect it.
I continue to be grateful for the knowledge sharing that occurs daily amongst CALL members. I have benefitted from the advice of CALL-eagues on many occasions over the years, on topics ranging from navigating law firm mergers to sole sourcing to legal research services
What’s one blog, website, or Twitter account that you can’t go one day without checking?
Jordan Furlong’s twitter feed: @jordan_law21 and his blog: law21.ca. His insight into the current state of and challenges facing the legal market are invaluable. The 2018 Conference Planning Committee is thrilled he will participate in CALL 2018.
What’s one change in the profession or industry that has been a challenge for you?
The consolidation of the legal publishing industry presents challenges on an ongoing basis.
What was your first job or your first library-related job?
My first job was in retail when I was a teenager. The value of experience dealing with the public is underestimated, in my opinion. My first library job(s) were at U of T’s Bora Laskin Law Library and with the library at the Toronto office of Osler’s. I split my time between both during my practicum placements.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone looking to break into the legal information industry?
Be a problem solver and a shameless self-promoter.