Alan Kilpatrick (@Alan_Kilpat,| Reference Librarian, Law Society of Saskatchewan
1. Tell us a little about your educational background and how you entered the legal information industry.
My journey to legal librarianship was fortuitous. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts from Vancouver Island University (VIU), I took some time to reflect on what I wanted to do with my life. Throughout my undergraduate degree, I worked weekends and summers as an Army Reservist and part time as a library page at VIU’s library and the Vancouver Island Regional Library. Shortly after graduating from VIU, I spent a year working with the Canadian Forces security effort at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. While this was an amazing experience, I realized it wasn’t the correct career path for me.
Here, the connections I had made with the library world as a page paid off. After speaking with several librarians, I decided that attending Western University’s Master of Library & Information Science program was the right professional move.
At Western, I developed my career goals and identified my professional interests. I gained an interest in reference service, legal research, and government information after a co-op with Transport Canada’s Ottawa Library as a reference librarian. I discovered an interest in copyright law and instruction after an exciting opportunity to research and present on Western Library’s Access Copyright agreement.
Following graduation, I received a summer internship with Saskatchewan’s Legislative Library. During this time, I learned about the Law Society Library. After handing in a resume in 2013, an opportunity presented itself and I haven’t looked back since.
2. How has being involved in CALL helped you professionally (e.g. scholarships & grants, continuing education, networking)?
CALL membership has been extremely beneficial professionally. When I became a law librarian, CALL connected me to a large professional network and with mentors who helped me develop the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in this industry. Attendance at CALL’s New Law Librarian Institute helped me further develop my knowledge and create a competitive legal information skill set. I frequently contact the colleagues I’ve met through CALL for advice, assistance, and encouragement.
Our association’s annual conference has been a source of wonderful networking opportunities and topnotch professional development. As legal innovation accelerates and legal information resources evolve, our skill set must keep pace. I’m confident CALL will help me do this.
As my career grows, I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve the association through various committees, including being on the Board of Directors for the 2019-2021 term.
3. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone looking to break into the legal information industry?
Network! During CALL’s 2018 conference in Halifax, I was privileged to co-present Taking the ‘Work’ Out of Networking: Build Relationships, Not a Stack of Business Cards with Bronwyn Guiton, Veronica Kollbrand, and Megan Siu. During the presentation, I made five networking suggestions for new and prospective legal information professionals:
4. What are three skills/attributes you think legal information professionals need to have?
5. What are three things on your bucket list?
Alan Kilpatrick (@Alan_Kilpat,| bibliothécaire de référence, Barreau de la Saskatchewan
1. Parlez-nous un peu de vos antécédents scolaires et de la manière dont vous vous êtes intégré au secteur de l’information juridique.
Le parcours qui m’a conduit à la bibliothéconomie juridique a été un pur hasard. Après l’obtention de mon baccalauréat ès arts de l’Université de l’île de Vancouver (VIU), j’ai pris du temps pour réfléchir à ce que je voulais faire dans la vie. Au cours de mes études, je travaillais les week-ends et les étés comme réserviste de l’Armée canadienne et à temps partiel comme aide de bibliothèque à la bibliothèque de la VIU et à la bibliothèque régionale de l’île de Vancouver. Peu de temps après l’obtention de mon diplôme, j’ai passé un an à assurer la sécurité avec les Forces armées canadiennes pour les Jeux olympiques de Vancouver de 2010. Même si l’expérience fut extraordinaire, je me suis rendu compte que ça n’était pas la bonne carrière pour moi.
C’est à ce moment-là que les liens que j’avais tissés comme aide dans l’univers de la bibliothéconomie ont été payants. Après avoir parlé à plusieurs bibliothécaires, j’ai décidé que le programme de maîtrise en bibliothéconomie et en sciences de l’information de l’Université Western était la bonne voie professionnelle.
Au cours de mes études, j’ai précisé mes objectifs de carrière et cerné mes intérêts professionnels. Je me suis intéressé aux services de référence, à la recherche juridique et à l’information gouvernementale après avoir fait un stage à la bibliothèque de Transports Canada à Ottawa en tant que bibliothécaire de référence. J’ai découvert un intérêt pour le droit d’auteur et l’enseignement après avoir eu une occasion formidable de faire de la recherche liée à l’entente de l’Université Western avec Access Copyright et de faire une présentation sur ce sujet.
Après l’obtention de ma maîtrise, j’ai effectué un stage d’été à la bibliothèque de l’Assemblée législative de la Saskatchewan. C’est au cours de cette période que j’ai découvert la bibliothèque du Barreau de la Saskatchewan. J’ai envoyé mon c.v. en 2013 pour répondre à une offre d’emploi, et je n’ai jamais regretté cette décision.
2. En quoi votre adhésion à l’ACBD/CALL vous a-t-elle été utile sur le plan professionnel (p. ex. bourses et subventions, formation continue, réseautage)?
L’adhésion à l’ACBD/CALL m’a été extrêmement bénéfique sur le plan professionnel. Lorsque je suis devenu bibliothécaire juridique, l’association m’a permis d’accéder à un vaste réseau de professionnels et de mentors qui m’ont aidé à améliorer les connaissances et compétences requises pour réussir dans ce domaine. Ma participation à l’Institut pour les nouveaux bibliothécaires de droit m’a permis de perfectionner mes connaissances et d’acquérir des compétences nettement plus aiguisées dans le domaine de l’information juridique. Je contacte souvent des collègues que j’ai rencontrés par l’intermédiaire de l’ACBD/CALL pour obtenir des conseils, de l’aide ou des encouragements.
Le congrès annuel de notre association offre une excellence façon d’établir des contacts et d’obtenir du perfectionnement professionnel de qualité. Il faut maintenir nos compétences à jour pour suivre l’innovation juridique et l’évolution des ressources de renseignements juridiques. Je suis convaincu que l’ACBD/CALL m’aidera à y parvenir.
Tout en cheminant dans ma carrière, je suis reconnaissant d’avoir la possibilité de servir l’association par le biais de divers comités, notamment en siégeant au conseil d’administration pour le mandat de 2019-2021.
3. Quel conseil donneriez-vous à quelqu’un qui cherche à percer dans l’industrie de l’information juridique?
Faites du réseautage! Lors du congrès 2018 de l’ACBD/CALL à Halifax, j’ai eu le privilège de coprésenter la conférence intitulée Taking the ‘Work’ Out of Networking: Build Relationships, Not a Stack of Business Cards avec Bronwyn Guiton, Veronica Kollbrand et Megan Siu. Dans le cadre de cette présentation, j’avais donné cinq conseils de réseautage pour les nouveaux et futurs professionnels de l’information juridique :
4. Selon vous, quelles sont les trois compétences ou qualités que les professionnels de l’information juridique doivent détenir?
5. Quelles sont trois choses que vous aimeriez réaliser avant de mourir?
Open Letter to CALL/ACBD Membership
The CALL/ACBD Executive Board and the Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization Committee issue this joint statement to express solidarity with the #BlackLivesMatter movement and all who are protesting systemic injustice and racism. Here in Canada, we also see systemic injustice profoundly in the lives of the Indigenous peoples of this land.
We recognize these recent weeks have been difficult, and we know that they have also been deeply painful for some of our friends and members of our community. Not all of us can know the depth of this pain, but we can offer support and efforts to work toward change. We share in the outrage, we echo the demands of peaceful protesters for change, and we underscore our commitment to inclusion and anti-racism.
George Floyd was a human being--a father, a son, a brother, a friend--but he became yet another black man killed by police. The killing of George Floyd was captured on video, and the horror of the manner of his death laid bare the injustices that black Americans endure in daily life. That recording of a terrible, terrible action of now-criminally charged police officers settled doubts some people still held about a larger and widely unseen injustice. Mr. Floyd’s death is a single illustration of a deeply entrenched problem. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery are only the most recent names on a very long list, a list which began 400 years ago.
In Canada, our list of shame includes Colton Boushie, Tina Fontaine, Chief Allan Adam, and the numerous women described in the study of missing and murdered Indigenous women. The list began with the first peoples of this land. Canada is not immune to systemic racism, injustice, and acts of prejudice and racism. When we listen to our membership, we learn that, sadly, neither is our profession nor our Association.
In 2018, CALL/ACBD formalized its Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization Committee to advise the Association on these matters and to work to ensure that we continually do better. The DIDC adopted a mandate to further Resolution 2018/1, by which CALL/ACBD has committed to work “to foster awareness and acumen in respect of issues of diversity, inclusion, and decolonization,” and, through our work and our partnerships and collaborations, to give voice to the diversity of the law library and related professions and of the Canadian population .
We affirm this commitment now. We do not have all the answers and we all have much to learn from each other. Our profession is positioned to listen, to learn, and to work to counter racism. We must continue to foster acumen among our members and in the worlds of the legal information and library professions. We must commit to listen and understand the depths of entrenched and insidious systemic racism in the legal system. We must acknowledge the impact of the cumulation of acts of implicit, unconscious, and single acts of bias and prejudice. And we must identify the intersections of all of these with law and justice and work toward better systems and outcomes.
Since Resolution 2018/1, we have offered our members, partners, and colleagues programming that furthers this mandate. We’ve offered programs on implicit bias; decolonization in legal information; speech, equality and transphobia; designing spaces to further accessibility and inclusion; and others. We believe these efforts are only the beginning.
To accept the status quo of racism through silence and inaction is to be complicit in its perpetuation. To make change in our communities, we must make change in attitudes. We must be proactive; we must use our voices and find ways to put a stop to systemic and unjust discrimination. Each of us can educate ourselves on racism and systemic injustice; can reach out to colleagues and friends to listen or to say support is at hand; can share information through a resource guide or an article; can join in the work of a group in our communities; or can even donate funds to an organization doing needed work. These are but a few ideas. Through our combined efforts, big or small, we can make change.
To further our learning and commitment to action, the DIDC has compiled a living list of resources and action opportunities, listed below and linked on our site. These offer an entry point for those who would like to learn more about systemic racism, or who wish to further inclusion and anti-racism.
Our next step will be to host a collective discussion at the start of a forthcoming Business Meeting to the CALL/ACBD membership. Details will follow in the coming days. We will invite comment on and additions to our list of resources and action opportunities. Members will be welcomed to the DIDC, to create content that addresses discrimination and systemic injustice that affects black, Indigenous, and racialized people in their interfaces with legal information work, the legal system, and our communities.
We recognize we do not have all of the answers. Together we can learn and work to create better paths for improving diversity and inclusion and to make systemic change. We are here to listen, to learn, and to renew our efforts.
CALL/ACBD Board of Directors
Shaunna Mireau (President) Kristin Hodgins (Member-At-Large) Yasmin Khan, (Co-Chair - Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization Committee) Alan Kilpatrick (Member-At-Large)Sooin Kim (Secretary) Eve Leung (Treasurer)Vicki Jay Leung (Co-Chair - Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization Committee)Ann Marie Melvie (Past President) Kim Nayyer (Vice President)
Learn and share: A living list of resources and action opportunities
Visit these sites:
● The award-winning “The 1619 Project” the New Times is an important resource to assist with understanding slavery and its continuing legacy in the USA. This legacy in systemic criminal system injustice, persistent racial prejudices, and the impacts of segregation. It was released August 2019, 400 years after the beginning of slavery in what is now the USA. [racism; systemic racism]
● The National Center for Civil and Human Rights, Atlanta GA, USA, and its website connects the American Civil Rights Movement to today’s struggle for Global Human Rights. It enables visitors to explore the fundamental rights of all human beings, to inspire and empower ongoing dialogue about human rights in communities. [racism; systemic racism; law and justice]
● A Collective Impact: Interim report on the inquiry into racial profiling and racial discrimination of Black persons by the Toronto Police Service [racism; systemic racism; law and justice]
● Final report of the TRC (National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation [racism; systemic racism; law and justice]
● Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Final Report and information site [racism; systemic racism; law and justice]
● Black Lives Matter is a leader in anti-Black racism initiatives. Scroll to the end of the website below to check out chapter sites and contact information for Toronto, Vancouver and Waterloo [racism; systemic racism; law and justice]
● Selwyn Pieters and Adrian Roomes, “Data Collection, Race and Justice in Canada: Alchemical Reflections,” 2012 CanLIIDocs 290. (Critical Race Symposium at Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto, November 2, 2012.) This study examines attitudes to data collection in interactions of law enforcement and racial minorities. The authors conclude that, while increasing collection and use of hard data on law enforcement interactions with minorities remains important in illuminating the existence of racial discrimination and racial profiling, “deep structural impediments” continue. [racism; systemic racism; law and justice]
Find these books in your local library or bookstore:
● Ibram X. Kendi, How to Be an Antiracist [racism; systemic racism; law and justice; society]
● Bryan Stevenson, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption [systemic racism; law and justice; USA]
● Ta-Nehisi Coates, Between the World and Me [racism; systemic racism; law and justice; society; USA]
● David Chariandy, I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You [racism; society; Canada]
● Robin DiAngelo, White Fragility: Why it’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism [racism; society]
● Why I’m No Longer Talking to Write People About Race (Reni Eddo-Lodge) [racism; society]
Donate and share if you can. Suggestions:
● Equal Justice Initiative [systemic racism; law and justice; USA; Cdn accepted]
● National Center for Civil and Human Rights [systemic racism; law and justice; USA; Cdn accepted]
● Color of Change [racism; systemic racism; society; USA; Cdn accepted]
● National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation [racism; systemic racism; law and justice; society; Canada]
● A listing of charitable and non-profit organizations across Canada that provide aid or do work to improve criminal justice systems and outcomes [racism; systemic racism; law and justice; Canada]
Le conseil exécutif de l’ACBD/CALL et le Comité de la diversité, de l’inclusion et de la décolonisation émet la présente déclaration commune afin d’exprimer leur solidarité avec le mouvement #BlackLivesMatter et les personnes qui manifestent contre l’injustice et le racisme systémiques. Nous constatons également chez nous une injustice systémique profonde qui touche la vie des peuples autochtones du Canada.
Nous sommes conscients que les dernières semaines ont été difficiles, et nous savons qu’elles ont aussi été durement éprouvantes pour des amis et membres de notre communauté. Même si nous ne connaissons pas tous la profondeur de cette douleur, nous pouvons offrir notre soutien et œuvrer en faveur de changements. Nous partageons le sentiment d’indignation, nous réitérons les changements réclamés par les manifestants pacifiques et nous soulignons notre engagement en faveur de l’inclusion et de la lutte contre le racisme.
George Floyd était un être humain – un père, un fils, un frère, un ami –, mais il est devenu un autre Noir tué par la police. Son meurtre a été filmé sur vidéo et l’horreur de sa mort a révélé les injustices que subissent les Noirs américains dans leur vie quotidienne. Cet enregistrement d’un acte atroce commis par des policiers, qui sont maintenant accusés au criminel, a dissipé les doutes que certains avaient encore sur une injustice plus vaste et largement méconnue. La mort de M. Floyd est une illustration unique d’un problème profondément ancré. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor et Ahmaud Arbery ne sont que les derniers noms des victimes parmi une très longue liste qui a commencé il y a 400 ans.
Au Canada, notre liste de la honte comprend Colton Boushie, Tina Fontaine, le chef Allan Adam et les nombreuses femmes décrites dans l’enquête sur les femmes autochtones disparues et assassinées. Cette liste a commencé avec les premiers peuples de ce pays. Le Canada n’est pas à l’abri du racisme systémique, de l’injustice et des actes de préjugés et de racisme. En écoutant nos membres, nous apprenons que, malheureusement, notre profession et notre association n’y échappent pas non plus.
En 2018, l’ACBD/CALL a officialisé la mise sur pied de son Comité de la diversité, de l’inclusion et de la décolonisation (CDID) afin de conseiller l’association sur ces questions et de travailler pour s’assurer que nous faisons toujours mieux. Le CDID a adopté un mandat pour faire avancer la Résolution 2018/1, par laquelle l’ACBD/CALL s’est engagée « à s’efforcer de mieux faire connaître et d’aborder avec finesse les questions liées à la diversité, l’inclusion et la décolonisation », et, par notre travail et nos partenariats et collaborations, à donner une voix à la diversité des bibliothèques de droit, des professions connexes et de la population canadienne.
Nous affirmons cet engagement maintenant. Nous n’avons pas toutes les réponses et nous avons beaucoup à apprendre les uns des autres. Notre profession est bien placée pour écouter, apprendre et travailler pour lutter contre le racisme. Nous devons continuer à encourager la clairvoyance parmi nos membres et dans le monde de l’information juridique et des bibliothèques. Nous devons nous engager à écouter et à comprendre le racisme systémique insidieux profondément enraciné dans le système juridique. Nous devons reconnaître l’impact du cumul des actes implicites ou inconscients et des actes motivés par des préjugés ou partis pris. Et nous devons déterminer les croisements de tous ces éléments avec le droit et la justice et travailler à l’amélioration des systèmes et des résultats.
Depuis la Résolution 2018/1, nous avons proposé à nos membres, partenaires et collègues des programmes pour renforcer ce mandat. Par exemple, nous avons offert des programmes portant sur les préjugés implicites; la décolonisation de l’information juridique; la parole, l’égalité et la transphobie; la conception d’espaces pour favoriser l’accessibilité et l’inclusion, et bien d’autres. Nous sommes convaincus que ces efforts ne sont qu’un début.
Accepter le statu quo du racisme par le silence et l’inaction, c’est de se faire complice de sa perpétuation. Afin de créer des changements dans nos collectivités, nous devons changer les attitudes. Nous devons être proactifs; nous devons utiliser nos voix et trouver des moyens de mettre fin à la discrimination systémique et injuste. Chacun de nous peut s’instruire sur le racisme et l’injustice systémique; peut contacter des collègues et amis pour les écouter ou leur dire qu’ils peuvent compter sur leur soutien; peut partager des informations par le biais d’un guide de ressources ou d’un article; peut participer au travail d’un groupe dans sa communauté; ou peut même faire un don à un organisme qui accomplit le travail nécessaire. Ce ne sont là que quelques idées. C’est grâce à nos efforts conjoints – petits et grands – que nous pouvons faire changer les choses.
Afin d’approfondir nos connaissances et notre engagement à agir, le CDID a dressé une liste à jour de ressources et de possibilités d’action énumérées ci-dessous et dont les liens figurent sur notre site Web. Celles-ci offrent un point de départ pour les personnes qui veulent en savoir plus sur le racisme systémique ou qui souhaitent faire progresser l’inclusion et l’antiracisme.
Notre prochaine étape sera d’organiser une discussion collective au début d’une prochaine réunion d’affaires pour les membres de l’ACBD/CALL. De plus amples informations suivront dans les prochains jours. Nous vous inviterons à nous faire part de vos commentaires et à ajouter des éléments à notre liste de ressources et de possibilités d’action. Les membres seront les bienvenus au sein du CDID afin créer du contenu qui aborde la discrimination et l’injustice systémique touchant les personnes noires, autochtones et racialisées dans leurs liaisons avec le travail d’information juridique, le système juridique et nos communautés.
Nous reconnaissons que nous n’avons pas toutes les réponses. Ensemble, nous pouvons apprendre et travailler à créer de meilleures voies pour améliorer la diversité et l’inclusion et pour apporter des changements systémiques. Nous sommes là pour écouter, apprendre et redoubler nos efforts. CALL/ACBD Conseil d'administration
Shaunna Mireau (Président) Kristin Hodgins (membre en général) Yasmin Khan, (Co-Chair - Comité de la diversité, de l’inclusion et de la décolonisation) Alan Kilpatrick (membre en général) Sooin Kim (Secrétaire) Eve Leung (Trésorière)Vicki Jay Leung (Co-Chair - Comité de la diversité, de l’inclusion et de la décolonisation)Ann Marie Melvie (Ancien Président)Kim Nayyer (Vice Président)
Apprentissage et partage : Une liste à jour de ressources et de possibilités d’action
Visitez ces sites :
● Le projet primé « The 1619 Project » du magazine The New York Times est une ressource importante qui aide à comprendre l’esclavage et l’héritage permanent laissé aux États-Unis. Cet héritage se traduit par l’injustice systémique dans le système de justice pénale, la persistance des préjugés raciaux et les conséquences de la ségrégation. Ce projet évolutif a été publié en août 2019 afin de marquer le 400e anniversaire du début de l’esclavage américain. [racisme; racisme systémique]
● Le National Center for Civil and Human Rights, Atlanta GA, É.-U., et son site Web relie le mouvement des droits civiques aux É.-U. à la lutte actuelle pour les droits de la personne à l’échelle mondiale. Il permet aux visiteurs d’explorer les droits fondamentaux de tous les êtres humains, d’inspirer et de renforcer le dialogue permanent sur les droits de la personne dans les collectivités. [racisme; racisme systémique, droit et justice]
● Un impact collectif : Rapport provisoire relatif à l’enquête sur le profilage racial et la discrimination envers les personnes noires au sein du service de police de Toronto. [racisme; racisme systémique, droit et justice]
● Rapport final du Centre national pour la vérité et la réconciliation [racisme; racisme systémique; droit et justice]
● Rapport final de l’Enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées et site Web [racisme; racisme systémique; droit et justice]
● Le mouvement Black Lives Matter est un chef de file dans le cadre des initiatives contre le racisme envers les Noirs. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous et défilez la page d’accueil jusqu’à la fin pour consulter les sites des divers chapitres ainsi que les coordonnées des personnes à contacter à Toronto, Vancouver et Waterloo [racisme; racisme systémique; droit et justice].
● Selwyn Pieters et Adrian Roomes, Data Collection, Race and Justice in Canada: Alchemical Reflections, 2012 CanLIIDocs 290. (Symposium sur les enjeux raciaux, Faculté de droit Osgoode Hall à Toronto, le 2 novembre 2012). Cette étude examine les attitudes à l’égard de la collecte de données dans les interactions entre les forces de l’ordre et les minorités raciales. Les auteurs concluent que même si l’augmentation de la collecte de données et de l’utilisation de données concrètes portant sur les interactions entre les forces de l’ordre et les minorités demeure importante pour mettre en lumière l’existence de la discrimination raciale et du profilage racial, de « profonds obstacles structurels » subsistent. [racisme; racisme systémique, droit et justice]
Trouvez ces livres dans une bibliothèque ou une librairie de votre localité :
● Ibram X. Kendi, How to Be an Antiracist [racisme; racisme systémique; droit et justice; société]
● Bryan Stevenson, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption [racisme systémique; droit et justice; É.-U.]
● Ta-Nehisi Coates, Between the World and Me [racisme; racisme systémique; droit et justice; société; É.-U.]
● David Chariandy, I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You [racisme; société; Canada]
● Robin DiAngelo, White Fragility: Why it’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism [racisme; société]
● Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race (Reni Eddo-Lodge) [racisme; société]
Faites un don et partagez si vous le pouvez. Suggestions :
● Equal Justice Initiative [racisme systémique; droit et justice; É.-U.; accepte les dons du Canada]
● National Center for Civil and Human Rights [racisme systémique; droit et justice; É.-U.; accepte les dons du Canada]
● Color of Change [racisme; racisme systémique; société; É.-U.; accepte les dons du Canada]
● Centre national pour la vérité et la réconciliation [racisme; racisme systémique; droit et justice; société; Canada]
● Le site Web présente une liste d’organismes de bienfaisance et à but non lucratif au Canada qui fournissent de l’aide ou travaillent à améliorer les systèmes de justice pénale et leurs résultats [racisme; racisme systémique; droit et justice; Canada]
[posted on behalf of Martha Murphy]
The Government SIG has prepared a collective list of resources offering information on COVID-19. Canadian sources include library guides, government, legislation, courts, legal and academic communities.
Honourable mention goes to University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, University of Toronto, and York for their LibGuide pathfinders.
Please also see Michel-Adrien Sheppard May blog post on Ideas on Reopening Libraries Post Covid-19 and the April post on Covid-19 Resources
If you would like to add to the list and keep it updated, please contact Martha Murphy.
Libraries and Reopening
CALL Blog Post - Ideas on Reopening Libraries Post Covid-19
ALA - Reopening Archives, Libraries and Museums (REALM) Information Hub Covid-19
ALA - Pandemic Preparedness Tools Publications Resources for Libraries
AccessOLA - 2020 Pandemic Planning Information Guide
Oregon State Library - Covid-19 Library Policies and Services
American Bar Association – ABA Committee on Disaster Response and Preparedness - Disaster Resources for Lawyers & Law Firms
Canadian Bar Association – COVID-19 Resource Hub
Canadian Lawyers Magazine - Covid-19 and the Courts
CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario) - COVID-19: Updates on the law and legal services
Federation of Law Societies of Canada – Covid-19 Timeline of Provincial Law Societies
The Lawyer’s Daily – COVID-19 Updates
Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company (LAWPRO) – PracticePro - Covid-19 Articles & Resources
Lexis Practice Advisor - Coronavirus Guidance for Canada (free Coronavirus document kit)
McCarthy Tetrault - Covid-19 Emergency Measures Tracker
NSRLP (National Self-Represented Litigants Project) - COVID-19 Resources
Ontario Bar Association – COVID-19 Action Centre
Thomson Reuters - Taxnet Pro COVID-19 Canadian Tax Updates
Thomson Reuters - COVID-19 Resource Centre
Government of Canada - Coronavirus disease Covid-19
Justice Canada - Government of Canada’s response to COVID-19
Library of Parliament - HillNotes
University of Toronto - Canadian Government Information Covid-19 by Sam-chin Li
UBC Libraries Government of Canada Publications - Covid-19 Research Guides
University of Ottawa - Repository of Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Orders by Craig Forcese
Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta - Covid-19
University of Calgary Libraries - Covid-19 3 LibGuides with Free Resources
Alberta Court of Appeal News
Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench News
Alberta Provincial Court News
Alberta Provincial Court COVID-19 Court Information
Alberta Open Government Publications (for Ministerial Orders)
Alberta Orders in Council (recent OICs posted up front)
Alberta Government Legislative Assembly Bills
Alberta Government COVID-19 Info for Albertans
Alberta Law Libraries Updates (Legislative News)
The Lawyer’s Daily – News
Law Society of Alberta – COVID-19 Updates
Canada Bar Association – Alberta Branch – COVID-19 Updates
British Columbia
Law Society of British Columbia - Covid Response
Legislative Assembly of British Columbia - Covid-19 Legislative Updates
British Columbia Government - Response to Covid-19
City of Vancouver - Covid-19 Dashboard
Courts of BC Notices and Updates - Covid Update
Law Society of Manitoba - Covid-19 Updates
Legislative Assembly of Manitoba - Covid-19
Government of Manitoba - Covid-19 Updates
City of Winnipeg - Covid-19 Updates
Manitoba Courts Notices and Updates - Covid-19
New Brunswick
Law Society of New Brunswick - Covid-19
Government of New Brunswick - Covid-19 Resources
City of Fredericton - Covid-19 Resources
New Brunswick Courts Notices and Updates - Covid-19
Newfoundland & Labrador
Law Society of Newfoundland & Labrador - Information Regarding Covid-19
House of Assembly of Newfoundland & Labrador - Covid-19
Government of Newfoundland & Labrador - Life with Covid-19
City of St. John’s - Covid-19
Courts - Covid-19 Operational Plan
Northwest Territories & Nunavut
Law Society of Northwest Territories - Updates
Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories - News Releases
Government of Northwest Territories - Covid-19 Response
City of Yellowknife - Covid-19
Courts - NWT Response to Covid-19
Law Society of Nunavut - Covid-19
Legislative Assembly of Nunavut - News Releases Covid-19
Government of Nunavut - Covid-19 Response
City Iqaluit - Covid-19 Updates
Nunavut Courts - Updates
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Barrister’s Society - Covid-19 FAQ’s and Updates
Nova Scotia Legislature - News and Notices Covid-19
Government of Nova - Response to Covid-19
City of Halifax - Covid-19
Courts - Covid-19 Preventive Measures
York University Osgoode Hall Law Library - COVID-19 and the law by Sharona Brookman
Law Society of Ontario - LSO COVID-19 Response
Government of Ontario - Emergency status on COVID-19
City of Toronto - COVID-19: Orders, Directives & Bylaws
Ontario Courts:
Ontario Court of Justice - COVID-19 Notices and Updates
Superior Court of Justice - Notices and Orders – COVID-19
Court of Appeal for Ontario - Practice Directions and Notices regarding COVID-19
Prince Edward Island
Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island – Covid-19 News Release
Law Society of Prince Edward Island - Covid-19 Updates
Government of Prince Edward Island – Covid-19 Resources
City of Charlottetown - Covid-19 Updates
Courts of Prince Edward Island - Covid-19 Letter and Resources
Barreau du Quebec - Covid-19 FAQ’s
Government of Quebec - Covid-19
Montreal - Covid-19
Courts of Quebec - Covid-19 Notices
Law Society of Saskatchewan - Preparing for Covid-19
Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan - Covid-19 Updates and Resources
Government of Saskatchewan - Covid-19 Resources
Courts of Saskatchewan Notices and Updates - Courts Covid-19 Response
City of Regina - Covid-19 Resources
Law Society of Yukon - Covid-19 Resources
Legislative Assembly of Yukon - News Releases
Government of Yukon - Information about Covid-19
City of Whitehorse - Covid-19
Courts - Covid-19
Not the easiest topic to cover.
No one really knows when law libraries in different cities or jurisdictions will be reopening or under what conditions.
Will physical access be restricted? Will all returned materials have to be quarantined? Will most of your staff continue working from home or will we all return wearing masks and gloves? Will elevators be no-go zones? Will space need to be redesigned to eliminate cubicles and open offices? What about air conditioning during muggy summer and fall days? And washroom surfaces? Reference counter surfaces? Table surfaces? Shelf surfaces? Surfaces, surfaces everywhere. And all those doors and those buttons to push to access restricted areas.
Here are a few ideas and sources to help you start thinking about "reopening the library".
"Most examples so far focus on a phased approach, with new services, activities and parts of the library only resumed when this can happen safely, with some associating the shift from one phase to the next to wider progress in tackling the pandemic, while others are more cautious in setting dates. As the Australian Library and Information Association has set out ... a useful approach is to start by assessing risk, then developing plans, and only then setting timings for resuming different services. It may also be the case, of course, that partner organisations are not yet open, which will also have an impact." "Broadly, the library field has warned against any rush to re-open physical buildings. Furthermore, given uncertainty about how the situation will develop, it is possible that stricter rules will need to be implemented subsequently, and so the possibility of returning to lock-down should be borne in mind (indeed, West Virginia recommends continuing to work from home one day a week so that the habit is not lost). At the end of this section, you will find a selection of plans already established."
You may also want to check out the IFLA blog for posts on library reopening. Two recent texts cover the debate:
NELLCO, a law library consortium based in the North East United States, has published results from a survey it recently conducted concerning the response of academic law libraries to the COVID-19 pandemic. One section covers reopening plans.
OCLC and other organizations in the United States have launched REALM, a research partnership to share information on best practices for the Reopening of Archives, Libraries and Museums. It will have a specific emphasis on the handling of materials and workflows:
"This research collaboration will provide information on how long the virus survives on surfaces and how—or if—materials can be handled to mitigate exposure." "To achieve these goals, the partnership is initiating work on several fronts:
"This research collaboration will provide information on how long the virus survives on surfaces and how—or if—materials can be handled to mitigate exposure."
"To achieve these goals, the partnership is initiating work on several fronts:
1. The library will operate with a minimal crew 2. Hygiene and virus prevention protocols will be established 3. Access for library patrons will be phased in 4. Social Distancing will be practiced among Staff 5. New delivery protocols will be put in place 6. Mail will be Resumed 7. Patrons will be advised of precautions and protocols
1. The library will operate with a minimal crew
2. Hygiene and virus prevention protocols will be established
3. Access for library patrons will be phased in
4. Social Distancing will be practiced among Staff
5. New delivery protocols will be put in place
6. Mail will be Resumed
7. Patrons will be advised of precautions and protocols
The article also provides links to many other reopening plans elsewhere.
The Australian Library and Information Association has developed a Checklist for reopening libraries which is very practical:
"In practical terms, there will need to be a greater focus on the safe handling of items for borrowing and display. The Institute of Museum and Library Services, OCLC and Battelle in the US are collaborating to develop an evidence-based approach to safe reopening practices, providing information about how to handle materials, training and cleaning in libraries." "The International Federation of Library Associations is also gathering information about the strategies that libraries around the world are taking, as they plan to reopen their libraries." "Each library will have its own plans for reopening, depending on the sector and the specific needs of the library’s community, but the checklist provides a practical framework which outlines major considerations that library managers should be addressing, when planning to reopen their library."
"In practical terms, there will need to be a greater focus on the safe handling of items for borrowing and display. The Institute of Museum and Library Services, OCLC and Battelle in the US are collaborating to develop an evidence-based approach to safe reopening practices, providing information about how to handle materials, training and cleaning in libraries."
"The International Federation of Library Associations is also gathering information about the strategies that libraries around the world are taking, as they plan to reopen their libraries."
"Each library will have its own plans for reopening, depending on the sector and the specific needs of the library’s community, but the checklist provides a practical framework which outlines major considerations that library managers should be addressing, when planning to reopen their library."
Mary-Jo Petsche, Executive Director | Welland County Law Association
I took an indirect path to the legal industry. I had a diploma in recording engineering and job prospects were slim so I found a job in banking to pay the rent. I stayed in that job for 7 years until one day the bank announced they were making significant changes to employment contracts and gave employees the choice to stay or take a retraining package. I thought, this is my chance to go to college and finally do something that I love. Sheridan College had an excellent Library and Information Technician program and I graduated in 1997. Honestly, I was never really interested in a traditional library setting as I wanted to work in corporate. I worked at Micromedia in Toronto and also as a knowledge management consultant for a few years at Nortel. The crash and burn of Nortel in the early 2000s had me looking for a library job closer to home as I had two young children and did not want to commute to Toronto anymore. As luck would have it, I was scanning the FIS Jobsite one day and found the LIT posting for the Welland County Law Association and the deadline to apply was that very day! I knew nothing about the law but was confident that I could manage the library and I figured the “law stuff” would be a nice challenge. Nineteen years later I am still employed at the R. Boak Burns Law Library at the WCLA and love my job.
I’ve been a CALL member for 19 years and I have benefitted so much from the association. I was encouraged to get involved in the association early on and I’m grateful for the opportunity. I’ve volunteered on committees and also had the opportunity to sit on the CPC for the Winnipeg conference and most recently the 2020 conference. That was a real eye opener to see all the planning and hard work that is involved with the conference. Networking helps build this community of people that you can lean on. There are so many talented, smart and engaging professionals in CALL who have helped me over the years. Lastly, the scholarships available for continuing education help support growth and enhance our professional development. I’ve taken advantage of these scholarships over the years and I’m so grateful to the association for their support.
3. What are three things on your bucket list?
5. What was your first job or your first library-related job? My first job was picking cherries on a fruit farm at the age of 12…that was hard work!
1. Parlez-nous un peu de vos antécédents scolaires et de la manière dont vous vous êtes intégrée au secteur de l’information juridique.
J’ai emprunté une voie indirecte pour parvenir au secteur juridique. J’avais un diplôme en enregistrement audio et vidéo, mais comme les perspectives d’emploi étaient minces je travaillais dans le secteur bancaire pour payer le loyer. J’occupais mon poste depuis sept ans lorsque la banque a annoncé qu’elle apportait des modifications importantes aux contrats de travail et qu’elle offrait aux employés la possibilité de rester ou de suivre une formation de recyclage professionnel. Je me suis dit que c’était l’occasion pour moi de faire des études postsecondaires et de faire enfin quelque chose que j’aimais. Le Collège Sheridan proposait un excellent programme en technique de bibliothéconomie et d’information, et j’ai obtenu mon diplôme en 1997. Honnêtement, je n’ai jamais vraiment été intéressée par le cadre traditionnel d’une bibliothèque, car je voulais travailler en entreprise. J’ai travaillé chez Micromedia à Toronto et aussi comme consultant en gestion du savoir pendant quelques années chez Nortel. Lorsque les choses ont commencé à dégringoler chez Nortel, au début des années 2000, j’ai commencé à chercher un emploi dans une bibliothèque plus proche de chez moi, car j’avais deux jeunes enfants et ne voulais plus faire le long trajet entre la maison et le travail à Toronto. Comme par hasard, je suis tombée sur l’offre d’emploi de la Welland County Law Association alors que je consultais le site d’emploi FIS, mais la date limite pour postuler était cette journée-là! Même si je ne connaissais rien au droit, j’avais confiance en mes capacités de pouvoir gérer la bibliothèque, et je me suis dit que ce secteur serait un beau défi. Dix-neuf ans plus tard, je travaille toujours à la bibliothèque de droit R. Boak Burns de la WCLA et j’adore mon métier.
Je suis membre de l’ACBD depuis 19 ans et j’ai grandement tiré profit de l’association. Dès le début, on m’a encouragée à m’impliquer dans l’association et je suis reconnaissante de ces possibilités qui m’ont été données. J’ai siégé à plusieurs comités à titre de bénévole et j’ai également eu la chance de faire partie des comités de planification du congrès de Winnipeg ainsi que de celui de 2020. Cela m’a réellement ouvert les yeux sur toutes les choses qu’il faut planifier et le travail énorme à accomplir pour la tenue du congrès. Les activités de réseautage permettent de bâtir une communauté de personnes sur laquelle on peut s’appuyer. Il y a tellement de professionnels talentueux, intelligents et engagés au sein de l’ACBD qui m’ont aidée au fil des ans. Enfin, les bourses offertes dans le cadre de la formation continue contribuent à notre épanouissement et à notre perfectionnement professionnel. J’ai eu l’occasion de profiter de ces bourses au fil des ans et je remercie grandement l’association pour son soutien.
3. Quelles sont trois choses que vous aimeriez réaliser avant de mourir?
5. Quel a été votre premier emploi ou votre premier emploi lié à la bibliothéconomie?
Mon premier emploi a été cueilleuse de cerises dans un verger à l’âge de 12 ans, et c’était un travail vraiment difficile!
By Alisa Lazear
Since last spring, a great number of updates and resources have been added to CanLII. To make sure you’re up to date on recent developments, here’s more about what’s new on CanLII.
⚖️ Primary Law
Beginning with the addition of the decisions from DLRs in 2016, CanLII continues to do historical scanning projects to increase the scope of our caselaw collection. Here are the results of some of those projects over the past year:
● Thanks to the Law Foundation of New Brunswick, we now have primary law covering 50 years for the province of New Brunswick. The annual statutes database now goes back to the Revised Statutes of New Brunswick of 1973. We also added 7,000 decisions published in the New Brunswick Reports between 1969 and 2016 that were missing from CanLII and that have been cited in the CanLII database.
● Over 8,000 cases from the Western Weekly Reports (WWR) were added to CanLII last Spring, bringing in a collection of significant cases from courts in the western provinces.
● We also added over 9,500 decisions from the Manitoba Reports as part of a project funded by the Manitoba Law Foundation.
● Last fall, we also announced that we had added the annual statutes for Alberta, from 1906 to present as part of a project funded by the Alberta Law Foundation.
We are grateful for all the support we have received to continue to improve the availability of primary law!
Many developments have been happening in this area for CanLII. CanLII’s commentary section continues to grow with resources written by authors from various backgrounds. Since the launch of the CanLII Author’s Program, we have received submissions from lawyers, legal scholars, and graduate students in law, who see the value in open legal commentary. Have a look at the new layout of our CanLII Authors Program page to learn more, or you can explore what’s already on CanLII here. To help you find the commentary you need, an additional filter feature was added to CanLII to search commentary by subject area.
Thanks to the County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA), we have started offering access to conference proceedings in addition to law reviews, books, articles, newsletters, and reports. Read on to learn more about recent updates to commentary that have been added to CanLII.
Below is a list of journals added since last spring. You can see the full list of journals on our website here.
- Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law
- Canadian Arbitration and Mediation Journal
- Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal
- Dalhousie Law Journal
- Journal of Commonwealth Law
- Journal of Law & Equality
- Lakehead Law Journal
- Laws | An Open Access Journal from MDPI
- Les Cahiers de droit
- Osgoode Hall Law Journal
- Revue de Droit de l'Université de Montréal
- Revue québécoise de droit international
- Saskatchewan Law Review
- Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues
The Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues, run by law students at the University of Windsor Faculty of Law, recently decided to shift to an Open Access publishing model. We were very pleased to be invited to their Open Access launch event to celebrate this milestone and are happy that they chose to include their work on the CanLII platform.
We are also grateful to the number of university presses that have published legal scholarship under Creative Commons (CC) licenses, allowing platforms like CanLII to share this content with a wide audience. We encourage content creators to follow the lead of these university presses and consider whether making public legal scholarship openly accessible through avenues like Creative Commons licensing is right for them.
Last November, we announced a new collaboration with Based on CanLII search queries, stood out as a centre of writing covering legal topics of interest to CanLII users. We then published a collection of ebooks of selected content from in CanLII’s commentary section.
You can search through CanLII’s entire book collection here, which includes new additions such as JP Boyd on Family Law and the latest update of the eText on Wrongful Dismissal by Lancaster House.
Reports and papers from several other organizations
Since our last update, a number of additional organizations have shared their reports and papers with us:
- Alberta Law Reform Institute
- Canadian Centre for Elder Law (a division of BC Law Institute)
- Canadian Conference on Personal Property Security Law
- Canadian Forum on Civil Justice
- Canadian Human Rights Commission
- Environmental Law Centre of Alberta
- Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Justice
- Justice & Law Reform Institute of Nova Scotia
- Law Reform Commission of British Columbia
- Vanier Institute of the Family
CanLII Connects:
Last spring, we were pleased to announce the completion of the integration of CanLII Connects entries into search results on When you conduct a search on CanLII, you are able to get results of content from CanLII Connects. Now, this important source of case commentary is more findable and better integrated through tools like CanLII’s note up feature than before.
We are grateful to the writers on CanLII Connects who make it faster and easier for legal professionals and the public to access high-quality legal commentary on Canadian court decisions. If you have professional competence in legal analysis and would like to join CanLII Connects to share your insights, we encourage you to register here.
Other News:
If you have been spending time on CanLII since last spring, you will probably have noticed that CanLII underwent a website refresh. Thanks to the feedback from our users and the help of the Lexum team, we got a new look to help improve your CanLII experience.
More recently, we’ve come up with some new features for conducting efficient legal research that include decision highlights, paragraph-level note-ups, and “decision intensity” indicators represented by blue jalapenos.
Thanks to a motivated working group formed through the Canadian Association of Law Libraries, we have received instructional materials in the form of videos and handouts to assist users on how to use CanLII. You can find these helpful resources in the footer menu on the CanLII site under “CanLII Guides.”
Earlier this month, CanLII was thrilled to announce the winner for the inaugural Martin Felsky Award, a contest celebrating excellence in Canadian open legal commentary on the subjects of legal research and legal technology. This year’s award went to Lee-Ann Conrod for her article titled “Smart Devices in Criminal Investigations: How Section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Can Better Protect Privacy in the Search of Technology and Seizure of Information”, originally published in the University of Victoria Faculty of Law student-run and open access journal APPEAL: Review Of Current Law And Law Reform.
We are also happy to welcome Anqi Shen, CanLII’s Community Manager. Anqi has been helping us build engagement through CanLII’s social media and blog since last fall. Her skill and experience have proven to be a great asset to CanLII and we’re excited to continue working with her this year.
The updates don’t end here! Make sure to follow our newly redesigned blog for the latest CanLII news.
There are so many sources of information out there about the COVID-19 pandemic that it can be hard to figure out what is useful.
Here are good places to follow library-related and law-related news.
Lawyer’s Daily COVID-19 Updates - LexisNexis has opened up access to regular updates about COVID-19: "This listing will continue to be updated with the newest items posted on top. Users can also use the Search box at the top of the page and set real-time news alerts for any keyword, including COVID-19, to be informed when new content is published."
Dossier COVID -19 (CAIJ - Centre d'accès à l'information juridique, the network of courthouse libraries associated with the Barreau du Québec): "Dans le cadre de la pandémie causée par la maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), notre équipe a regroupé l’information juridique pertinente afin de vous accompagner en télétravail. L’information est organisée par domaines de droit et sera régulièrement enrichie. Vous y trouverez notamment de l’information en matière de force majeure, de santé, de travail et emploi, de faillite et insolvabilité et de droit public et administratif."
Canadian Lawyer Magazine Daily Court Updates - available from a link on the home page each day – "Courts across Canada are taking extraordinary measures to control the spread of the new coronavirus COVID-19. Below is a roundup of actions courts are taking across the country."
Repository of Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Orders (Craig Forcese, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa)
COVID-19: Emergency Measures Tracker (McCarthy Tetrault LLP): "In light of the outbreak of COVID-19, our team is closely monitoring updates from governments across Canada as they respond to the pandemic. The following summarizes the emergency measures that have been imposed in each jurisdiction. We will continue to update this summary as further measures are introduced across the country."
Remote Courts Worldwide (hosted by the Society for Computers and Law, funded by the UK LawTech Delivery Panel, and supported by Her Majesty's Courts & Tribunals Service): "As the coronavirus pandemic spreads and courts around the world are closing, this website is designed to help the global community of justice workers - judges, lawyers, court officials, litigants, court technologists - to share their experiences of 'remote' alternatives to traditional court hearings.
To ensure ongoing access to justice, governments and judiciaries are rapidly introducing various forms of 'remote court' - audio hearings (largely by telephone), video hearings (for example, by Skype and Zoom), and paper hearings (decisions delivered on the basis of paper submissions). At remarkable speed, new methods and techniques are being developed. However, there is a danger that the wheel is being reinvented and that there is unnecessary duplication of effort across the world. In response, this site offers a systematic way of remote-court innovators and people who work in the justice system to exchange news of operational systems, as well as of plans, ideas, policies, protocols, techniques, and safeguards. By using this site, justice workers can learn from one another's successes and disappointments. "
So far, the website has contributions from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the US, Singapore, Ireland and others.
Reports From the Congressional Research Service and Legislative Research Organizations in Australia, Canada, EU, and UK (US-based infoDOCKET website): includes links to COVID-19-related reports from the Congressional Research Service in Washington, the Parliamentary Library in Australia, the Library of Parliament in Ottawa, the European Parliament Research Service and the House of Commons Library in the United Kingdom. The page is updated several times a week.
Parliamentary research services papers on COVID-19 (Iain Watt, IFLAPARL - Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) - the search in English language sources for "coronavirus OR covid-19 OR covid" for global selected sources today produces more than 1300 results, all of them from parliamentary research services.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Resources for Libraries ( The post is regularly updated and contains links to government websites (public health authorities), the World Health Organization, links for libraries, updates about upcoming library conferences, and access to free full-text articles from medical and scientific publishers.
COVID-19 and the Global Library Field (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions): "The information and resources below are provided on a non-exhaustive basis but will be updated regularly. It is based on publicly available information, and that submitted to We welcome additional ideas, references, suggestions and corrections to this address." The page is divided into sections on the following topics - Understanding COVID-19 and its spread ; Library closures around the world; Managing different approaches to restrictions; Staying safe at home and work; Providing services remotely; Managing remote working; Reassigning library resources; Actions by Associations, National Libraries and Library Partners.
Libraries and COVID-19: International News Roundup (infoDOCKET website, regularly updated): "On this page we’re curating a small collection of resources with news, information, and resources about how libraries around the world are dealing with COVID-19. Included on this page is a collection of direct links to operations information for several national libraries."
Publisher Access Changes, COVID-19 (maintained by librarians at Bryant University, Rhode Island)
Coronavirus – Accès à des ressources documentaires additionnelles (Biblothèques de l'Université de Montréal): "Plusieurs éditeurs et fournisseurs de ressources électroniques normalement payantes et non accessibles à la communauté UdeM débloquent présentement les accès pour soutenir les efforts des établissements d’enseignement. Ci-dessous des liens pertinents (...) Les offres et modes d’accès aux documents varient grandement d’un fournisseur à l’autre : accès complet ou partiel à des collections; accès en lecture seulement (pas de téléchargement de PDF); inscription requise de l'institution pour accéder au contenu; période de déblocage variée; etc."
Canadian University ILL Services - COVID-19: explains what ILL services are still running and which are shut down.
version française ci-dessous.
Project Profile: Editing the Canadian Law Library Review/Revue canadienne des bibliothèques de droit
Nikki Tanner, Reference/Instruction Librarian | Gerard V. La Forest Law Library, University of New Brunswick and Editor, Canadian Law Library Review
6. Do you have tips for library professionals considering getting involved in editorial work? Why might someone want to be involved? I suggest learning more about writing, grammar, and punctuation. You’ll learn by doing, but it helps to know these things beforehand. Also, read articles, essays, professional blog posts, etc., to get a feel for how to organize content and strengthen arguments. And please, memorize your McGill Guide! Being involved with CLLR keeps you on the cutting edge of what’s happening in the law library world in Canada and beyond. I know that I’ve personally learned a lot over the years from the great content provided by our amazing editorial team, without whom I’d be lost. Depending on what you’re in charge of, you’ll learn about new research (features editor), new books (book review editors), what colleagues are doing in different parts of the country (local and regional updates editor), the latest research being published elsewhere (bibliographic notes editor), and new research products and tools (advertising manager). You’ll also form relationships with legal information specialists and librarians from all over the country. And it looks great on your CV!
If you’re interested in joining the CLLR team, keep your eyes open for calls for volunteers on the CALL-L listserv. Or, you can contact me and I’ll keep you in mind when we have an opening. I became editor by reaching out to Susan Barker when she was running the show to see if there were any openings on the editorial board. I had previous publishing experience, so she brought me on as associate editor with the plan to transition into editor the following year. So don’t hesitate to reach out!
Profil de projet: La rédaction de la Canadian Law Library Review/Revue canadienne des bibliothèques de droit
Nikki Tanner, bibliothécaire de référence | Bibliothèque de droit Gerard V. La Forest, Université du Nouveau-Brunswick et Rédactrice en Chef, Revue canadienne des bibliothèques de droit
2. Quelles sont vos responsabilités en tant que rédactrice en chef de la RCBD? Pour chacun des numéros publiés, les équipes de rédaction des chroniques et des articles de fond m’envoient les textes en fichiers Word afin que je les révise. J’achemine ensuite les fichiers à ma rédactrice adjointe pour une deuxième révision. Une fois qu’elle a terminé, je fais une dernière lecture et j’envoie les fichiers à notre agent de liaison au bureau de l’ACBD/CALL. Ce dernier s’occupe de faire traduire les textes et envoie les fichiers à notre graphiste. Une fois que le visuel est conçu, la première ébauche est sauvegardée en format PDF. Mon adjointe et moi procédons à une correction d’épreuves afin de nous assurer que la mise en page est exempte de coquilles (p. ex., espaces bizarres ou manquantes). Ensuite, je peux relire de deux à quatre fois la version PDF jusqu’à ce que je sois satisfaite. Comme j’ai toujours adoré lire des livres de grammaire et rédiger pour le plaisir, je trouve presque toujours des petites coquilles à corriger. Mais je dois éventuellement m’arrêter et accepter de sortir le numéro, sinon nous n’aurions jamais de revue! Je rédige également un mot de la rédaction pour chaque numéro, et cela se révèle parfois la partie la plus difficile de tout le processus. Ce n’est pas facile de penser à quelque chose de nouveau à dire quatre fois par année! Heureusement, comme nous publions des articles de fond intéressants et formidables je peux m’en inspirer. Outre mes tâches de révision, je rédige deux rapports par année pour le conseil exécutif, je prépare un budget annuel, je recrute de nouvelles personnes pour le comité de rédaction, s’il y a lieu, et je réfléchis à des façons d’améliorer les chroniques ou en ajouter. J’ai déjà quelques petites idées, dont certaines m’ont été transmises par notre rédactrice émérite et rédactrice adjointe Susan Barker. Ces projets sont encore au stade de planification, mais j’essaie de trouver le temps nécessaire pour y donner suite.
Every year we look forward to our annual conference as an important time to connect, share and learn together. We are facing a unique global challenge with the introduction of the COVID-19 pandemic, sparking alarming global public health concerns. After very careful consideration, we have decided to postpone our annual conference to a later date in the year to ensure we do our part to limit the spread of this virus, and to accommodate those who are facing current and anticipated travel restrictions prohibiting their attendance. We want to ensure we are able to continue our tradition of connecting, sharing and learning together, but at a time that is safe to do so. We have made this decision factoring in the on-going uncertainty around COVID-19 and its potential impacts on the health and safety of the participants, exhibitors, speakers, and the local host community.
We would like to offer our sincerest gratitude for your commitment in participating in the 2020 CALL/ACBD Conference. If you have already registered, your registration will be automatically transferred to our conference in the Fall. The new date will be announced shortly. If you are unable to attend the new conference date, please reach out to CALL’s National Office for information on obtaining a refund. CALL/ACBD sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause. However, during this unprecedented time, delay of the annual national conference is a mitigation strategy to potentially reduce the impact of a national outbreak and prioritize the safety of our conference participants and crucial healthcare workforce. We also trust that postponing the conference will permit more of our delegates to be able to attend the conference to share their exciting and important work. We understand some may have already made airline bookings to attend the conference. Air Canada and Westjet are offering some limited opportunities to change flights. If you have trip cancellation insurance, it may cover you in the event of a business meeting postponement; if you did not purchase trip cancellation insurance, we would encourage you to check with your credit card company as you may have coverage through them, depending on the card. We are most grateful for your understanding, and please do not hesitate to be in touch with our National Office with any questions or concerns. Many Thanks,
Shaunna Mireau
Canadians are concerned about COVID-19. The virus responsible for COVID-19 is having a serious impact on individuals who contract it, on reactive world markets, and increasingly on travel.
Every year the CALL/ABCD Conference is an important time to connect, share and learn together. A lot of planning goes into this important industry event and it is a critical component to our member value proposition. Given the COVID-19 virus and its rising media profile, we felt compelled to update you as to how it may impact our Conference event.
For starters, the health, safety and comfort of our members and guests is the top priority at all of our events. No matter the operating environment, we consistently review our procedures to make sure we are doing all we can so that you may enjoy the meaningful networking and professional development that events do provide.
Registration is open for the 2020 CALL/ACBD Conference taking place in Hamilton, Ontario on May 24-27 and the event is scheduled to take place as planned. As a reminder, CALL/ACBD awards the Eunice Beeson Memorial Travel Fund to assist CALL/ACBD members who wish to attend the conference but, for financial reasons, are unable to do so. Bursaries are provided to cover travel expenses and/or accommodation. Applications are due to Sooin Kim by April 17. Registration is also open for the 2020 New Law Librarians' Institute taking place at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton on June 16-19 and the event is scheduled to take place as planned. There are currently no federal or provincial restrictions in place to prevent meetings and travel in Canada due to COVID-19 and there are no confirmed cases in Hamilton. The city of Hamilton publicly states that the risk of getting COVID-19 in Hamilton is low. The Public Health Agency of Canada has also assessed the public health risk associated with COVID-19 as low for Canada. Nevertheless, CALL/ABCD is working closely with all our event partners to create an environment conducive for the connecting, sharing and learning that is the spirit of our Conference and we look forward to welcoming you in Hamilton.
Should there be any need to update you further we will do so again directly. We respect that many are getting information from a variety of sources but if you have any questions or specific concerns please contact CALL/ACBD National Office at 647-346-8723 x 1.
Thank you, Shaunna Mireau CALL/ACBD President