We all have a few tricks up our sleeve when it comes to performing legal research. We sometimes share them with clients. And sometimes, we like to use those tricks to hunt down seemingly impossible to find material and wow them. Because nothing is “impossible” for law librarians.
The CALL blog has started a new regular series of research tips and tricks.
Please share your favourite or coolest strategies with Michel-Adrien Sheppard to have them published on the CALL blog.
Nous avons tous nos trucs favoris quand il s'agit de faire de la recherche juridique. Parfois, nous les partageons avec nos clients. Et parfois, nous aimons les épater en utilisant ces trucs et astuces pour mettre la main sur des informations apparemment impossibles à trouver. Car rien n’est « impossible » pour des bibliothécaires de droit.
Le blogue de l'ACBD a lancé une nouvelle série sur les trucs et astuces de recherche.
SVP partagez vos stratégies les plus intéressantes ou les plus « cool » avec Michel-Adrien Sheppard afin de les faire publier sur le blogue de CALL/ACBD.
Today: Noting Up Specific Paragraphs of Cases (by Sharona Brookman, Reference Librarian, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto).
Have you ever wanted to find cases that deal with a specific section of a case, but don’t want to look through all the cases that cite your case? Here are some tips to do just that.
If you want to note up a particular paragraph on CanLII, look for the text box to the right of the case paragraph that interests you.
The example below is taken from Dunsmuir v. New Brunswick, 2008 SCC 9.
The number in the box on the right (in this case "12") gives the number of cases that cite paragraph 9. Click on the box, and it will open up different functionalities. Click on "Citing documents" it will take you to the list of cases that mention paragraph 9.
JustisOne (also known as vLexJustis) is a huge subscription-based caselaw database that includes Canadian cases and has a feature similar to CanLII for finding cases that cite a specific paragraph of a case. Here’s how to do it:
Click on the settings icon and select Canada as your jurisdiction.
Search for a case, e.g. Rizzo v. Rizzo Shoes Ltd. (Re), [1998] 1 SCR 27, 154DLR 4th 193.
The case appears on the right side of the screen. The paragraph or paragraphs that are most heavily cited appear on the left side of the screen, along with an option to highlight all quoted passages. In this case, para. 27 is cited most frequently.
Click on “Highlight all quoted passages”. “Displaying quoted passages” now appears on top of the case, along with a “heat map” in varying shades of purple running along the right-hand side of the screen. The darker the shade of purple, the more that paragraph has been cited by other cases.
Scroll down the case until you see the paragraph that interests you. Using paragraph 27 as an example, you’ll see that most of it is highlighted in the darkest shade of purple, as this is the part that has been cited most often.
Left click on any part of this section and a “Quoted in” list of citing cases will come up on the left. You can scroll through all the cases and click on any of them to go to the citing case, with the option of going to the specific paragraph in that case that cites the Rizzo v Rizzo Shoes case.
The list of citing cases includes cases from all the different jurisdictions JustisOne covers. If your subscription doesn’t include a specific jurisdiction you will still be able to see the citation for the case but won’t be able to access it through JustisOne. Links to free sources to the case may be available, for instance to New Zealand cases on the New Zealand Legal Information Institute (NZLII).
Lexis Advance and/or Westlaw Canada
On Lexis Advance Quicklaw and WestlawNext Canada there is no automatic or perfect way to do this, but there’s a partial workaround. Select some consecutive words in the paragraph that are likely to be cited.
The words should be distinct enough so as not to appear exactly in the same way in any other case and short enough that a search engine can handle the search.
Try 5 to 8 words. Then do a phrase search in a full text database. In Westlaw select Cases, use the Advanced Search function and enter the terms in the "This exact phrase" search box.
In Quicklaw select cases, use the Advanced Search function and put quotation marks around the phrase.
With thanks to CanLII's Sarah Sutherland, vLex Justis’s Mary Ibrahim and Ken Fox of the Law Society of Saskatchewan.
By Erin Clupp, Research Librarian in Norton Rose Fulbright’s Vancouver office.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed library school and are a freshly minted information professional. What is an exciting time in your life can also be overshadowed by what comes next: the dreaded job hunt, heightened by the fact that we are still struggling through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Despite this being a challenging and unprecedented time to enter the workforce, there are still many exciting opportunities that await you. Here are some tips and words of advice that I hope are helpful and comforting as you navigate through this next phase of your career:
1) Manage your expectations but be kind to yourself
First and foremost, job hunting can really suck. It’s important to acknowledge this and understand there will be periods of frustration, self-doubt, and worry (especially when we have bills to pay). This is normal! Rejection can be painful, and sending applications into that black hole where resumes seem to go can be demoralizing but don’t give up!
When job hunting, be mindful of the following:
As a new grad, you are probably eager and excited to land that first job and start working! Have some patience, the process may take longer than you would like it to be (before and during the interview process).
It is also great to have goals, but realize you may not get your “dream job” right outside the gate. That is fine! Along the way, you may find you don’t have one dream job after all, and that you enjoy doing many types of work.
Resist the urge to compare yourself to others. Some people may seem to have better “luck” or have more apparent success early on. We don’t always know their stories, what their past experiences are or who they may know. Just remember, we are all operating on different timelines and your opportunity will come. It doesn’t make you a failure or unworthy if it takes you a bit longer or if you end up in an area completely different than you originally thought.
While job hunting can become a full time job, don’t forget to take breaks and don’t let it become all-consuming. Focus some energy on your hobbies, personal relationships, and most importantly rest!
2) Beyond the library – be flexible and think outside the box
The information profession is evolving, and while there are still plenty of “traditional” LIS jobs in academic and public library settings, there are increasingly more jobs in special libraries and in larger “information teams” in government, private corporations, and non-profits. When searching for job postings, don’t just focus on the job title, be sure to also read the descriptions and position requirements. Look for buzz words like “information analyst”, “knowledge management”, “content creation”, “competitive intelligence”, “prospect research”, “information architecture”, or “data curation”, all of which use the skills of an LIS professional and are increasingly in demand as businesses recognize the need for improved information governance and user experience.
I know people with LIS backgrounds who work in academic institutions, museums, archives, law firms, government, telecommunications companies, non-profit organizations, healthcare, and international organizations doing a variety of work including research, privacy, information security, instruction, technical writing, and management. Basically any organization that deals with information and people (read: all of them) may have a position that you can apply for. Now is the time to experiment and try new opportunities. Don’t worry about pigeonholing yourself, because you can always leverage your transferable skills and move within industries and organizations.
3) Take a leap – consider a move!
While not possible (or desirable) for some, consider moving to a new city (or country!), especially if you are in a very competitive market and do not have a lot of library experience. When I struggled to find a job after graduating, I ended up taking an amazing opportunity overseas in Qatar. Not only did this give me adventure and a life changing experience, it allowed me to gain some solid work experience quicker than if I stayed in Canada the whole time. When I returned, I found I was more marketable and my application to interview ratio was noticeably higher.
While moving overseas is scary, you can also stay within Canada and still have some great experiences (many of my peers accepted jobs in northern and smaller communities). Remember, if you move away, it doesn’t have to be forever!
4) Networking Building relationships
Our profession is quite small. Chances are, if you look someone up on LinkedIn, you probably have connections in common. Use this to your advantage!
Best way to network? Stay in touch with your peers from library school. Reach out to LIS professionals on LinkedIn who are in jobs you are interested in. See how they got their current gig and if they have any advice or know of specific training available that is helpful for that role. Join a professional association where you will likely meet an array of other new professionals as well as more seasoned pros (often in management roles). You can also look into mentorship programs and alumni associations.
Treat every encounter as a potential lead. Be genuine, but always be polite and courteous as you never know who will end up on the other side of the interview table. Knowing someone may not guarantee you get a position, but it may help secure that all-important interview.
5) Be prepared – do your research!
When sending out applications, think quality over quantity. Avoid firing off generic applications to every post you see. Be discerning, take your time and use those honed research skills to learn more about different roles or industries you are interested in and tailor your application accordingly.
Understand that there are varied requirements and expectations for different industries. For example, academic libraries often require more detailed C.V.’s and have prolonged interview and hiring processes; government applications often require lengthy online questionnaires and testing phases; private companies often prefer shorter resumes and cover letters.
Make your application stand out by showing you’ve done your homework. When applying for a job, research the organization and find out what their mandate is, their history, what their biggest successes are, and who their key players are. When preparing for an interview, find out the names of the interviewers and do some research on their backgrounds. This will show interest and will create conversation points in your interview (remember you are interviewing them too).
Lastly, be patient with yourself and the process. It’s a marathon, not a race and you have your whole career to look forward to. Treat each opportunity as a new stepping stone and learning opportunity and over time you will build a rewarding professional experience for yourself.
While job hunting can sometimes feel gruelling, it doesn’t have to be soul sucking! Make a plan for yourself, stay organized, have a good support system, and prioritize wellness in the process.
Most importantly, if you’re feeling burnt out, take a rest and don’t forget to reward yourself!
Good luck!
Speaker Bio
Erin Clupp is the Research Librarian in Norton Rose Fulbright’s Vancouver office. A self-proclaimed “accidental law librarian”, she previously worked in various archives and records management roles, including the BC Securities Commission, the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, the College of the North Atlantic’s campus in Doha, Qatar, and as an Adjunct Professor at the University of British Columbia’s iSchool.
Erin completed her MLIS from the University of Western Ontario in 2014 and has a BA in History and Classical Studies from the University of Ottawa. In addition to being a member of CALL, she is currently Co-Chair of the Program Committee with the Vancouver Association of Law Libraries (VALL). Outside of work, she enjoys dabbling in voice acting and bookbinding, various fitness activities, and drinking copious amounts of coffee.
2021-2022 CALL President Kim Nayyer was the subject of a recent leader profile in On Firmer Ground, the blog of the Private Law Librarians (PLLIP) Special Interest Section of the American Association of Law Libraries.
She was one of 3 panel members on the topic of "Diversity Shares: Listen to Learn" that took place during a PLLIP Diversity Summit.
Name one thing that you or your team is doing this year to meet the challenges ahead. The past year has presented some challenges that are new and others that are long-standing but more widely evident or understood. One that I feel most strongly about is the work we are doing to both interrogate and work to dismantle structural exclusion and inequalities—racial, socioeconomic, ability, for example. Structural exclusion and inequalities exist in so many facets of life, domestically and globally too, and we can focus our efforts on those closest to our home and on which our own work centers. Our team is creating learning resources to assist with learning about how structural racism and other forms of exclusion in the legal and justice systems affect or skew the legal information we research and apply in practice. We are developing our collections in ways that amplify voices and perspectives that have not traditionally been centered in legal information, even if substantively valuable. We are assisting faculty in growing their curricular resources in ways that can help them adapt their teaching. We are working to improve communication internally to ensure all members of our workplace recognize their voices matter and their work matters.
Name one thing that you or your team is doing this year to meet the challenges ahead.
The past year has presented some challenges that are new and others that are long-standing but more widely evident or understood. One that I feel most strongly about is the work we are doing to both interrogate and work to dismantle structural exclusion and inequalities—racial, socioeconomic, ability, for example. Structural exclusion and inequalities exist in so many facets of life, domestically and globally too, and we can focus our efforts on those closest to our home and on which our own work centers. Our team is creating learning resources to assist with learning about how structural racism and other forms of exclusion in the legal and justice systems affect or skew the legal information we research and apply in practice. We are developing our collections in ways that amplify voices and perspectives that have not traditionally been centered in legal information, even if substantively valuable. We are assisting faculty in growing their curricular resources in ways that can help them adapt their teaching. We are working to improve communication internally to ensure all members of our workplace recognize their voices matter and their work matters.
Today: Law Reform Commission Reports - Hidden Treasures for Legal Research (by M-A Sheppard).
Where in-depth legal analysis is required, law reform publications can prove to be an excellent resource.
Law reform commissions are often sponsored by, but are independent from governments. The advantage they have is that they can deal with important public policy issues that are not on the government agenda but may nevertheless require critical analysis and potential reform.
Also, many of the reports provide historical background and you can often find comparative information about how different jurisdictions have responded to an issue.
Recent examples of reports that contain comparative information include:
Des trésors cachés: les rapports des commissions de réforme du droit (par M-A Sheppard)
Quand vous avez besoin d’une analyse approfondie d’une question, ces publications se révèlent être une excellente source d’information.
Ces commissions sont souvent mises sur pied par les gouvernements mais en demeurent néanmoins indépendantes. Leur grand avantage est de pouvoir se pencher sur des questions importantes de justice ou de politique publique qui ne font pas encore l'objet de l'action gouvernementale mais qui nécessitent une analyse critique ou qui méritent des réformes.
De plus, plusieurs de ces publications offrent une analyse historique d’une question ou adoptent une perspective comparatiste vraiment intéressante.
Voici quelques exemples récents de rapports qui contiennent une dimension comparatiste:
Today: Secret Search tips from an Information Sleuth by George Roy, Law Society of Manitoba (originally published February 1, 2021 on the Great LEXpectations blog):
Sometimes an article can be very tricky to track down. It might be from an obscure journal, or maybe from something old enough that no one carries it any more. That may require tracking down a print version hidden away in some library’s archives, but sometimes some creative searching online can provide surprising results.
Sometimes too much is just as bad as not enough. If you find yourself searching for an article title on a web search engine you may get hundreds or thousands of results. Most of us will scan the first page, and maybe the second, but are quick to give up after that.
A lot of the time, articles will be published as a PDF, so limit your search to that file format by either using the advanced search function
Or use the limiter “filetype” in the search field.
Most articles are often published as part of a journal. That means you might limit your search to libraries or sites that have access to that publication. If you separate the article from the journal, you can look in unusual places that have already uploaded or published that article separate from its original publication.
When you browse the search results, try looking at academic websites. Again, you can use the advanced search, or use the limiter “site:” and limit to academic domains such as “.edu.” Sometimes universities publish their syllabi online and will link to any reading or documents for a course. Often they link to paywall sources, but it’s worth a look because when there is no online resource the organization may upload the document itself, or provide alternative sites.
Those alternative sites may lead you to sites that may have already compiled or collected documents and journals you are looking for. If I haven’t found the specific article I am looking for, I may try to search by journal issue or volume. Article titles aren’t always indexed so once you’ve narrowed your search, you can widen it again when you’ve found a resource that is more specific to your interest.
There are a few popular sites like SSRN, but I am always stumbling upon other sites that provide other avenues of searching. These can often be open-access, but they may also have a soft paywall that requires signing up, or using a free trial.
The internet is an amazing resource but just like every other tool, it can be used to harm as well. A lot of sites use your google search to create a link that may look like exactly what you are looking for but may contain a virus or spam. Be careful what you are downloading. Watch for unusual file types such as .exe or suspicious looking sites.
As an information professional I am an advocate for open information, but I am always mindful of copyright restrictions. Fair use allows some leeway when sharing articles and texts, but it may not always be clear where that leeway ends.
Some sites such as Sci-Hub might be a bit of a grey area, and I tend to err on the side of caution, so use reputable sites as much as you can.
One piece of advice I haven’t used much but is worth a shot is contacting the author directly. Some authors will provide their articles for free upon request. So if they are a contemporary author, try giving them a search on LinkedIn or at their organization.
Of course sometimes no matter how hard you look, you just can’t find what you are looking for. Sometimes you need a fresh pair of eyes. Even if you try thinking outside the box, everyone has their own way of looking at things. So ask someone else to give it a gander, they may be able to see things from a different perspective. They can be colleagues, or professional listservs, or even your friendly library.
We all have a few tricks up our sleeve when it comes to performing research. We sometimes share them with clients. And sometimes, we like to use those tricks to wow them.
The CALL blog is starting a new regular series of research tips and tricks. Please share your favourite strategies with Michel-Adrien Sheppard and we will do our best to publish them on this blog.
Nous avons tous nos trucs favoris quand il s'agit de faire de la recherche juridique. Parfois, nous les partageons avec nos clients. Et parfois, nous utilisons ces trucs et astuces pour les épater.
Le blogue de l'ACBD lance aujourd'hui une nouvelle série sur les trucs et astuces de recherche. SVP partagez vos meilleures stratégies avec Michel-Adrien Sheppard. Nous nous ferons un plaisir de les publier ici sur le blogue.
Today: There Are Some Hard to Find Foreign Cases on CanLII by Susannah Tredwell, Manager of Library Services at DLA Piper (Canada) LLP in Vancouver (originally published February 3, 2021 on the Slaw.ca website):
One of CANLII’s lesser known resources is its Foreign reported decisions database which “includes some decisions issued by foreign courts and tribunals and that are of special interest for Canadian law.”
For example, should you be interested in Browne v. Dunn (1893), 6 R. 67 (a decision sufficiently challenging to find online that someone created a dedicated website for it) you can find it on CanLII.
While the collection of foreign decisions is not large, CanLII will on request add cases that are of interest to Canadian legal practitioners.
(And for all your regular British case law needs, there is always BAILII).
Julie Boon, Reference Librarian | Great Library, Law Society of Ontario, Toronto
1. Tell us a little about your educational background and how you entered the legal information industry.
I have an undergraduate honors specialization in history from King’s University College, affiliated with Western University in London, Ontario (where I am from). Going into my undergraduate degree, I certainly did not know what I wanted to do with a history degree, I just hoped that studying something I loved would get me somewhere professionally that I would love too. As luck would have it, it worked!
I didn’t get into the legal information industry right away, and in fact, that wasn’t even on my radar. I was very certain I would be going into public librarianship. I held down a couple of jobs at a couple academic libraries while attending U of T for my master’s in information. During the summer of my first and second year, I worked at the Ministry of Attorney General library. I had never worked in a legal environment before and hadn’t taken a class in law since high school! However, I had some awesome colleagues who helped me along the way and showed me the ropes.
My job at the MAG gave me a sense of how challenging and exciting the legal industry could be and encouraged me to apply for my current job at the Law Society of Ontario’s library – the Great Library – as a reference librarian. Again, I have been incredibly fortunate to meet some really great mentors here, and love working at a job that constantly challenges me to learn new things and create valuable content.
2. How has being involved in CALL helped you professionally?
CALL has helped me professionally in that I have met some really, really great people through the organization. Whether it was through the CALL mentorship program or the CALL Conference in 2019, it has given me the opportunity to meet amazing professionals I otherwise may not have crossed paths with. Recently, CALL has acted as a balm to the isolation and disconnect that the pandemic has brought into everyone’s lives in some way. Attending virtual conferences and tutorials has maintained my feeling of connection to the legal industry and its professionals, which has been a huge relief.
3. What was your first library-related job?
While I was attending King’s University College, I applied for a job posting at the London Public Library. I had never worked in a library before, but I had worked at Chapters for a couple of years and knew that I loved being surrounded by books and people who loved books. I was lucky enough to land that position at LPL, and absolutely loved every second I worked there. From then on out, I knew that I would be pursuing a job in library sciences.
4. What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone looking to break into the legal information industry?
Don’t be intimidated! There is a lot to learn, but it’s kind of great in a lot of ways to be working in an industry where there is so much to know and understand – it never gets boring! Plus, it’s important to remember that even if you don’t remember every legal concept, term or piece of jargon off the top of your head, it doesn’t mean that you’re bad at your job, or not learning quick enough. Far from it! There is a vast ocean of legal information in the world, and even those legal professionals who have worked in the industry for years and years still need refreshers from time to time. Just remember that there are people out there, like your colleagues, who are probably happy to lend a helping hand!
5. What is your greatest professional success?
My greatest professional success would definitely be taking the plunge and entering the legal information industry in the first place. Entering special libraries was not on my horizon mentally, and I wasn’t sure I was cut out for the legal world which I viewed as very big and very scary. Even though I do have those moments of feeling a little overwhelmed over all there is to learn, I’m really proud of myself for putting in the work to become attuned to an industry to which I was completely and utterly new. I’d like to say I’ve done a pretty good job so far and look forward to learning more and improving more as I go forward in my career.
Member Profile nominations and Project Profile ideas are welcome for 2021. Please email Alexandra Farolan at afarolan@courthouselibrary.ca for more information, ideas, and nominations.
Julie Boon, bibliothécaire de référence | Grande bibliothèque, Barreau de l’Ontario, Toronto
1. Parlez-nous un peu de vos antécédents scolaires et de la manière dont vous vous êtes intégrée au secteur de l’information juridique.
Je possède un baccalauréat spécialisé en histoire du King’s University College, qui est affilié à l’Université de Western Ontario à London (d’où je suis originaire). Je ne savais pas vraiment ce que je voulais faire avec un diplôme en histoire en commençant mes études. J’espérais juste quand étudiant quelque chose que j’adorais cela me mènerait vers une carrière que j’aimerais aussi. Le hasard fait bien les choses, et ma stratégie a fonctionné!
Je ne me suis pas lancée tout de suite dans l’information juridique et, en fait, ce domaine ne faisait pas partie de mes plans (j’étais sûre que j’allais travailler en bibliothéconomie publique). J’ai occupé quelques emplois dans des bibliothèques universitaires pendant mes études de maîtrise en science de l’information à l’Université de Toronto. Au cours de l’été de mes deux premières années de maîtrise, j’ai travaillé à la bibliothèque du ministère du Procureur général (MPG). Je n’avais jamais travaillé dans un milieu juridique et mon dernier cours en droit remontait au secondaire! Cependant, j’ai eu la chance de travailler aux côtés de collègues formidables qui m’ont aidée en m’apprenant le métier.
Mon travail au MPG m’a ouvert aux possibilités de carrière stimulantes et passionnantes dans le secteur juridique et c’est ce qui m’a poussé à postuler pour l’emploi que j’occupe actuellement à la bibliothèque du Barreau de l’Ontario – la Grande bibliothèque – à titre de bibliothécaire de référence. Encore une fois, j’ai eu l’occasion rêvée de rencontrer des mentors vraiment formidables dans le cadre de mon travail, et j’adore travailler dans un milieu qui me pousse à apprendre de nouvelles choses chaque jour et à créer du contenu intéressant.
2. En quoi votre adhésion à l’ACBD/CALL vous a-t-elle été utile sur le plan professionnel (p. ex. bourses et subventions, formation continue, réseautage)?
L’ACBD/CALL m’a aidée sur le plan professionnel en me donnant la possibilité de rencontrer des gens remarquables. Que ce soit par l’intermédiaire du programme de mentorat de l’association ou de son congrès annuel en 2019, ces activités m’ont donné l’occasion de rencontrer des professionnels extraordinaires que je n’aurais probablement jamais rencontrés. Récemment, l’ACBD/CALL a agi comme un baume pour rompre l’isolement et la coupure causés par la pandémie que chacun vit différemment. Le fait de participer à des conférences et des formations virtuelles m’a permis de maintenir mon sentiment d’appartenance au secteur juridique et à ses professionnels, ce qui a vraiment fait du bien pour le moral.
3. Quel a été votre premier emploi ou votre premier emploi lié à la bibliothéconomie?
Pendant mes études au King’s University College, j’avais postulé à un poste à la bibliothèque publique de London. Même si je n’avais aucune expérience de travail dans une bibliothèque, j’avais travaillé chez Chapters pendant quelques années et je savais que j’aimais être entourée de livres et de personnes qui adorent les livres. J’ai eu la chance de décrocher ce poste, et j’ai bien aimé chaque seconde de mon expérience. À partir de ce moment-là, je savais que j’allais travailler dans le domaine de la bibliothéconomie.
4. Quel conseil donneriez-vous à quelqu’un qui cherche à percer dans l’industrie de l’information juridique?
Ne vous laissez pas intimider! Même s’il y a beaucoup de choses à apprendre, travailler dans un secteur où il y a tellement de choses à savoir et comprendre est fantastique à bien des égards – on ne s’ennuie jamais! De plus, il est important de se rappeler que même si on ne se souvient pas spontanément de chaque concept, terme ou jargon juridique, cela ne signifie pas que vous n’êtes pas à votre place ou que vous n’apprenez pas assez vite. Loin de là! Le monde regorge d’un vaste océan d’informations juridiques, et même les professionnels juridiques de longue date doivent encore suivre des cours de recyclage de temps à autre. N’oubliez pas qu’il y a des gens, comme vos collègues, qui seraient probablement heureux de vous donner un coup de main!
5. Quelle est votre plus belle réussite professionnelle?
Ma plus belle réussite professionnelle serait sûrement d’avoir fait le saut dans le domaine de l’information juridique. Je ne pensais pas travailler dans les services bibliothécaires spécialisés, et je ne savais pas trop si j’étais faite pour le travail dans le milieu juridique (que je jugeais immense et intimidant). Même si je me sens parfois un peu dépassée par toutes les choses qu’il y a à savoir, je suis très fière d’avoir effectué le travail nécessaire afin de m’adapter à un secteur entièrement nouveau. Je tiens à dire que je me débrouille très bien jusqu’à maintenant et que j’ai hâte d’en apprendre davantage et de m’améliorer au fil de ma carrière.
Nous acceptons les propositions pour les blogues Profil de membres et Profil de projets en 2021. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations ou proposer une idée ou une candidature, n’hésitez pas à envoyer un courriel à Alexandra Farolan (afarolan@courthouselibrary.ca).
Krisandra Ivings et Emily Ann Da Silva Bibliothécaires de référence, Cour suprême du Canada
La Cour suprême du Canada publie une foule de renseignements concernant les dossiers dont elle est saisie sur son site Web public. Nous décrivons, ci-dessous, où vous pourrez trouver des renseignements sur les prochaines audiences, les décisions de la CSC, ainsi que de l’information qui vous permettra d’être à l’affût des activités de la Cour et de vous connecter à la bibliothèque de la CSC.
Est-ce que votre organisation a un site Internet avec du contenu qui pourrait s'avérer utile pour la communauté de recherche juridique? Si oui, veuillez contacter Michel-Adrien Sheppard.
Au fur et à mesure qu’ils sont disponibles, les renseignements sur chacun des dossiers sont ajoutés à la section du site Web intitulé Dossiers > Renseignements sur les dossiers de la Cour. Effectuez une recherche de dossier au moyen du numéro de registre ou de dossier, du nom d’une des parties ou du numéro de dossier du tribunal dont la décision est portée en appel. En sélectionnant un numéro de dossier, vous pourrez consulter le registre du dossier. En cliquant sur les liens qui se situent du côté gauche, vous obtiendrez de plus amples renseignements sur les parties et les procureurs, ainsi qu’un sommaire du dossier, les mémoires relatifs à la demande d’autorisation d’appel, les mémoires relatifs à l’appel et l’enregistrement de la diffusion Web, s’il est disponible.
Une fois qu’une demande d’autorisation d’appel a été accueillie, ou qu’un dossier a obtenu la permission d’être entendu par la CSC d’une autre façon, une date d’audience sera fixée. Le calendrier des prochaines audiences prévues se trouve sous la rubrique Dossiers > Audiences prévues. Sélectionnez l’année et le mois pour consulter la liste des audiences prévues, qui indique si l’audience sera diffusée en direct sur le site Web, ainsi que l’heure de diffusion. Peu de temps avant la tenue de l’audience, un lien vers la diffusion en direct s’affichera dans la colonne intitulée « Diffusion Web ».
Pour de plus amples renseignements sur une audience prévue, cliquez sur le nom du dossier afin de consulter la page des Renseignements sur les dossiers de la Cour.
Pour de plus amples renseignements, nous vous encourageons à explorer le site de la CSC, à communiquer avec la bibliothèque ou à participer à une visite guidée à distance de la CSC!
Discover the Supreme Court of Canada Website Krisandra Ivings and Emily Ann Da Silva, Reference Librarians, Supreme Court of Canada
The Supreme Court of Canada publishes a wealth of information about cases coming before it on its public website. Below, we describe where you can find information about upcoming hearings, SCC decisions, staying up to date with the Court, and connecting with the SCC Library.
Does your organization have a public website with content that may be useful to our legal research community? If that is the case, contact Michel-Adrien Sheppard.
As it becomes available, information about each case is added to the Cases > SCC Case Information section of the website. Search for a case using the docket/case number, name of a party, or file number from the Court appealed from. Selecting a case number will bring you to the case’s docket. Links on the left-hand side provide further details on the parties and counsel, as well as a summary of the case, memorandums of argument on the application for leave to appeal, factums on appeal, and a recording of the webcast when available.
Most cases must apply for leave to appeal before they can be heard by the SCC. The Court can grant or dismiss this application. Decisions on applications for leave to appeal are available under Cases > Judgments in Leave Applications. The advanced search function allows you to filter applications by jurisdiction, subject, status, and more.
Once an application for leave has been granted, or a case is otherwise permitted to be heard by the SCC, a hearing will be scheduled. The upcoming hearing schedule is available under Cases > Scheduled Hearings. Select the year and month to see a list of cases scheduled indicating whether a hearing will be webcast live and when. Shortly before the hearing, a link to the live stream will appear in the ‘Webcast’ column.
For more information on a scheduled case, click on the case name to view the SCC Case Information page.
Once judgment has been rendered in an appeal, the decision is published on the SCC website simultaneously in both official languages. Decisions are available under Cases > Reasons for judgment. Use the basic search to search by keyword or for additional filters, select Advanced Search and then Show more fields. Advanced search options include Citation, Date, Parties, Judges, Subject and more.
To monitor new SCC decisions on a particular issue or area of law, create a free lexbox account (maintained by Lexum) and set up an alert feed notifying you when cases are published that match your search criteria. Set up an alert by creating a search using the options on the Advanced Search page, then selecting Set up alert feed on the lexbox menu and following the prompts.
Beginning in 2018, for each of the Court’s written decisions, a reader-friendly summary is prepared by the Court’s communications staff and published under Cases > Cases in Brief. The “Case in Brief” is also linked to from the full text of each written decision.
Several months after a decision is first released, an official print version will be published in the Canada Supreme Court Reports (SCRs) in a side-by-side bilingual format. Digitized versions of the print SCRs are available dating back to their inception in 1878. Search or browse the database of all SCRs under Home > Cases > Decisions and Resources > Canada Supreme Court Reports.
An archive of webpages cited in SCC judgments is available for decisions published between 1998 and 2016 under Library > Internet Sources Cited in SCC Judgments. Since 2017, a link to an archived version of each internet source is provided directly from the Authors Cited section of each judgment.
Stay up to date by subscribing to the SCC mailing list under Media > News Releases, Decisions and Case Information. Subscribers receive news releases announcing upcoming judgments on leave applications, judgments to be rendered on appeal, and important updates such as practice directions and changes to the Supreme Court Rules. A news release is typically sent out a few days before a judgment is published.
Find out when new appeals may be headed to the SCC by consulting the weekly Bulletin of Proceedings in the searchable database found under Cases > Bulletins of Proceedings. The Bulletin provides details about rulings on motions. Bulletins also include a listing of notices of leave to appeal filed, applications for leave to appeal filed, judgments on applications for leave, and notices to the profession.
For annual statistics, including a breakdown of leave to appeal applications filed by subject and jurisdiction, consult the annual Statistical Summary and Year in Review under Cases > Year in Review. New since 2018, the Year in Review presents a visually-based, reader-friendly summary of statistics, significant decisions, and important developments at the Court.
Anyone can search the SCC Library’s catalogue, available under Library > Library Catalogue. The catalogue contains all of the Library’s print resources and some electronic resources. Contact information for the SCC Library, interlibrary loan procedures, and more are also available under the Library section of the SCC website.
Find out when new titles are added to the SCC Library’s collection by viewing the New Library Titles list under Library > New Library Titles and subscribing to our mailing list to receive semimonthly updates.
For more information, we encourage you to explore the SCC website, contact the Library, or take a remote tour of the SCC!
Saskatchewan Legal Databases, Relaunched
By Alan Kilpatrick
The Law Society of Saskatchewan’s searchable legal information databases were officially relaunched on a modern, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based database platform on Friday, November 20th, concluding a year-long Legal Resources project:
Migrating our valuable data to this modernized database platform will ensure that all Saskatchewanians can continue to enjoy access to the Saskatchewan legal information they need for decades to come. The relaunch is a demonstrable indicator of our commitment to legal information access for all Saskatchewanians. It represents our ongoing investment in our membership, Saskatchewan’s justice system, and legal information access for all in this province.
Forty Years of Innovation
For the past forty years, Saskatchewan legal practitioners, the judiciary, and members of the public have relied on the free, timely, and reliable access to legal information provided by our innovative tools and databases.
Developed by our pioneering Law Society Library staff through the 1980s and 1990s, these databases represent Saskatchewan’s very first instances of legal and technical innovation. Our law library staff saw that Saskatchewan, as a small province, was not being well served by Canada’s commercial legal publishers and that there was a significant delay before our case law became available in commercial sources.
What did they do?
They boldly decided to go ahead and solve the problem themselves by stepping into the role of legal content creator, publisher, and database developer, creating databases to ensure Saskatchewan practitioners and residents could find, access, and use the law they needed. Through their forward-thinking innovation, they created the first online internet case law database created by a law society in Canada. Legal innovation is not new. Law libraries have been doing it for decades.
Why Did We Relaunch the Databases?
Over the past year, your Law Society Legal Resources team has led a major project to migrate these databases and their corresponding datasets to the new platform.
Our existing platform was out of date and we felt it was the right time to migrate our data. We remain firmly committed to providing legal information resources in the latest formats available. Legal information enhancements are not static. They are constantly evolving.
These databases remain incredibly popular throughout the province, with Saskatchewan Cases receiving over 4000 hits a month alone. Why are they so popular? They are extremely powerful tools.
Finally, the over forty years’ worth of structured data and content contained within these databases represents a valuable commodity for the Law Society, its members, and the citizenry of this province.
Relance des bases de données juridiques de la Saskatchewan
Par Alan Kilpatrick
Les bases de données juridiques consultables du Barreau de la Saskatchewan ont été officiellement relancées, le 20 novembre dernier, sur une plateforme moderne, adaptée aux appareils mobiles et infonuagique, mettant ainsi fin à un projet de ressources juridiques d’une durée d’un an.
La migration de nos précieuses données vers cette plateforme de base de données modernisée permettra à la population de la Saskatchewan de continuer à jouir d’un accès à l’information juridique dont ils ont besoin pour les décennies à venir. Cette relance est une preuve réelle de notre engagement envers l’accès à l’information juridique pour tous les Saskatchewanais. Elle représente notre investissement permanent à l’égard de nos membres, du système de justice de la Saskatchewan et de l’accès à l’information juridique pour tous dans cette province.
Quarante ans d’innovation
Depuis 40 ans, les professionnels du droit, le corps judiciaire et les membres du public de la Saskatchewan comptent sur l’accès gratuit, rapide et fiable à l’information juridique fournie par nos bases de données et outils novateurs.
Développées par le personnel de la bibliothèque du Barreau, qui a joué un rôle de pionnier dans les années 1980 et 1990, ces bases de données représentent les tout premiers exemples d’innovation juridique et technique en Saskatchewan. Les employés de notre bibliothèque de droit avaient constaté que la Saskatchewan, en tant que petite province, était mal desservie par les éditeurs juridiques au Canada et que cela prenait beaucoup de temps avant que notre jurisprudence ne soit disponible dans des sources commerciales.
Qu’ont-ils fait?
Ils ont décidé d’agir avec audace et d’aller de l’avant pour résoudre le problème eux-mêmes en jouant le rôle de créateur de contenu juridique, d’éditeur et de développeur de bases de données, en créant des bases de données pour s’assurer que les professionnels du droit et les Saskatchewanais puissent trouver, accéder et utiliser les renseignements liés au droit dont ils avaient besoin. Grâce à leur pensée progressiste et leur esprit novateur, ils ont créé la première base de données de jurisprudence mise en ligne par un barreau au Canada. L’innovation juridique ne date pas d’aujourd’hui. Les bibliothèques de droit le font depuis des décennies.
Pourquoi avons-nous relancé les bases de données?
Au cours de l’année dernière, l’équipe des ressources juridiques du Barreau a entrepris un projet important de migration de ces bases de données et des ensembles de données correspondants vers la nouvelle plateforme.
Notre ancienne plateforme était dépassée et nous avons jugé que c’était le moment opportun de migrer nos données. Nous demeurons fermement engagés à fournir des ressources d’information juridique dans les formats les plus récents. Les améliorations apportées à l’information juridique ne sont pas statiques, elles sont en constante évolution.
Ces bases de données sont très fréquentées par les Saskatchewanais de toutes les régions; d’ailleurs, la base de données sur la jurisprudence reçoit à elle seule plus de 4 000 visites par mois. Pourquoi sont-elles si populaires? Ce sont des outils extrêmement puissants.
Enfin, les données structurées et le contenu de ces bases de données, qui datent de plus de 40 ans, représentent une ressource précieuse pour le Barreau, ses membres et les citoyens de la province.