Law Library Training on YouTube

03 Mar 2017 3:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Last week, we hosted a focus group at my place of work to ask staff lawyers what they thought of our library reference services.

One of the questions had to do with our ongoing program of "Tips and Tricks" training sessions.

Once a month, we organize quick 15-20 minute meetings where we show how to research a topic (public international law, Quebec Civil Code, criminal law, UN Treaties, etc.).

We demo databases or websites online and have a nice, clean, readable PDF handout for attendees. We also publish all our training PDFs on our library Intranet. We have a few dozen topical handouts so far.

But the lawyers at the focus group became very excited when one attendee suddently suggested that everything be available on demand in audiovisual format, a sort of "library Netflix".

And lo and behold, today I came across the YouTube channel created by the Education and Reference Department of the Boston College Law Library.

Like: wow!

Is anyone aware of Canadian law libraries using YouTube for training purposes? Or other A/V tools?

Michel-Adrien Sheppard
Supreme Court of Canada




  • 06 Mar 2017 11:00 AM | Alan Kilpatrick (Administrator)
    Hi Michel,

    The Law Society of Saskatchewan Library has created a series of Vimeo tutorial videos to aid members in searching legal resources:



    Alan Kilpatrick
    Reference Librarian
    Law Society of Saskatchewan Library
    2425 Victoria Avenue, 2nd Floor
    Regina, SK S4P 4W6
    (306) 569-8020
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  • 07 Mar 2017 6:20 PM | Shaunna Mireau (Administrator)
    As a firm we have a license for Adobe Captivate. These days it is vested with our Training and Development Specialist though I had a copy once.
    I produced one short on demand training video that was useful and used via our Intranet. It showed a specific task that was a frequent training item. It took several hours to parse that video down to < 4 minutes which was one of my requirements.
    I am in awe of the videos provided by BC Courts and Law Society of Saskatchewan and link to those as they are far more professionally done than what I (personally) can create. Now that we know our Training and Development Specialist has expertise in crafting process instructions in video form, I will suggest that our library team use her services to fill any 'firm specific' needs.
    Thanks for the Boston College link!
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